And just like that ... I’ve got 9 months

Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:. Thanks for being a part of this community!


Thanks Flo…love you guys! Love being part of this community :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Man Jazzy, 9 freaking months is INCREDIBLE! You serves s a beacon of positivity and light to a lot of us here who may have come here with some apprehension and it’s nice to be able to see and support you too! Congratulations on being resilient and focused and way to kick sobriety’s ass! 3 more months to reach a whole year! Let’s freaking go queen!


Awe Hakeem - thank you so much! So grateful that you have found us here and are kicking ass in your sobriety journey along side all of us! We really are stronger together. :muscle: :heart:


Congratulations that’s amazing. I can’t wait till I reach that point. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Amanda – keep working the journey one day at a time – you are already 2+ months in – won’t be long my friend. We got this addiction licked :muscle:

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Yayyyyyyyy big congrats on your sober baby @JazzyS you are an amazing community member and friend.
Stay vigilent and keep being awesome!!

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You are so sweet CJ - thank you friend … love you and the wonderful members here :heart:

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Congratulations! You are kicking its ass Van Damn. The support and feedback you give is very appreciated. I am happy to know you. :grin:


Thank you friend… appreciation of our friendship is mutual. :people_hugging::pray:

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………It is a big deal!!

It’s huge!!
I’m glad you started your own thread for it.
I’m so happy you found us. You’re a great addition to this forum.
You keep helping everyone helps you keep sober.
It’s a magical place :magic_wand:

I’m such a doofus. I just now made the connection and thought to see who else has 9 months :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and it’s you :man_facepalming: I’m laughing at myself. Laughter is a great HP when you need it.
I hope you sleep well and are very proud of yourself tomorrow and the next day and the day after that…….
It’s a beautiful thing. Just like you.


Congratulations @JazzyS !! :clap::clap::clap:
Absolutely Awesome.
And now is probably a good time to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you do for our community. You support, encourage and inspire so many people on a daily basis, myself included :kissing_heart: :people_hugging::heart: X


Congratulations Jasmine that’s amazing​:sparkler::tada::balloon::fireworks:


Yeah @JazzyS that’s wonderful!!! happy 9 months milestone dear friend :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I’m with Eric - saw your post on the gratitude thread and had to look this thread up. Great idea to make your own thread to share and celebrate. You are a beautiful soul :orange_heart:


@JazzyS MASSIVE ACHIEVEMENT! So inspiring :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: Keep up the amazing work xo


Wow Jasmine, 9 months is great achievement! You are such an inspiration, such a good soul. I hope you know how many people you helped and still helping, I’m one of them.


I think perhaps you weren’t ready. I know I wasn’t ready til I was. The big takeaway here,for me,finally decided to do this for me. This is how we do it!

This resonates in me Jasmine. Congratulations for your abstinence for your emotional and spiritual sobriety.Your care for others touches my heart. I am so grateful for you my jazzy friend.


CONGRATS friend!!! :tada::tada::tada: so glad you celebrated with all of us! You dedicate so much time cheering us all on! So glad you took a second to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come. You’re fucking killing it!! Keep going!!! :muscle:t3:

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CONGRATULATIONS, you Beautiful Badass!!!:tada::tada::tada: What a gift, a blessing, you are to us all!!! :purple_heart::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: Let’s go get 10 months. We are right here with you. :two_women_holding_hands:t2:
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Thank you so much Eric! Appreciate all the help and support you have provided on this journey. Love our lighthearted meme wars that make everything else tolerable. I am blessed to have you in my life. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:
Laughter truly is the HP -Grateful to laugh away all the worries. You are totally fine – please do not laugh at yourself over this. :joy: So thankful for your friendship and to be here in this magical place.