And the battle waged on

And the Battle Waged On

In shadows deep, where demons creep,
A desperate soul, where darkness seeps,
I fought the grip of Meth’s cruel hold,
As mental storms began to unfold.
With trembling heart, I stood tall, unswayed,
And the battle waged on, me unafraid.

Through twisted nights, where dreams turned to dust,
My shattered spirit learned to readjust.
In solitude’s embrace, I sought my truth,
Awakening my strength, a flickering youth.
With every tear shed, every weakened dawn,
And the battle waged on, me barely holding on.

But oh, the whispers, the deceitful guise,
As Meth’s allure led me to compromise,
A toxic dance, a spiral without end,
Wielding confusion, as sanity would bend.
Yet amidst this chaos, hope refused to be gone,
And the battle waged on, resiliently strong.

Through valleys of despair, I crawled on my knees,
Confronting my demons, igniting the breeze,
A beacon of light, flickering within,
Banishing Meth’s chains, embracing the din.
With every breath drawn, my spirit reborn,
And the battle wages on,for this I am sworn.

Now, the tides recede, the storm dissipates,
A newfound strength in me radiates.
No longer defined by Meth’s venomous spree,
I march forward, claiming victory.
For my battles fought, both seen and unseen,
Now rest in peace, and the battleground is now serene.

And as I rise from ashes, my efforts redeemed,
A symphony of healing, my soul esteemed.
I shed the chains, the shackles long worn,
No more Meth’s tempest, no more demons to mourn.
With a heart set free, a new refrain,
The battle has ceased, only healing remains.


Welcome! Glad you’re doing better these days. We stay the course and we get to live.


Powerful and moving. Welcome :sparkles::pray:


Beautiful vivid words. Welcome to a supportive sober community @Mld1986

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Welcome Matthew! :blush:
Thank you for your share and hope to hear from you more.

Thank y’all so much that is just one of my addiction battle cries and I will post more soon I love that it touched people so much