Anger Iceberg

Many have probably already seen this, but I thought it might still prove helpful to someone. Makes sense to me.


Very true! I know for years i showed almost every emotion as anger. And here it almost always boiled down to fear or being hurt. Not everytime, but almost. I went to rehab my first time and didnt talk for a month practically. I was one angry b#$%h i guess you could say. So what broke me of this angry self? My counselor asked me, courtney why are you so angry and i just bursted into tears… i mean they were trying to get me to talk for a month and i refused, then i just opened up after that question. I was in so much pain and i thought showing pain said i was weak. And boy was i wrong. Emotions are normal, no emotion are abnormal. I was very sick and my mind was even worse. Clouded by so many drugs and then the alcohol. Gosh, i am so blessed today having 14 months sober. Im a miracle in the making. We all are!


I learned early on to stuff my feelings or package them in anger. I try to catch myself these days, and get at what’s really eating at me when I’m angry. I’m learning it’s normal to experience and express a normal range of emotions.

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Yup, this has been all me since I was a small child. Also learned early to shove all my other emotions away, but anger was always the one acceptable one. Learning to cope with all these other emotions has been difficult but I’m trying to keep moving along. Crying has been something I enjoy doing for the last few years for some reason. I have a few go to movies that make me bawl like crazy and sometimes I watch them just for the release. Funny how I don’t have to do that as much anymore since I started allowing the other emotions to come forward.

Sounds like me. A lot of agressive behavior in my past, mostly towards myself, some towards others. I feel all this emotions most of the time, they define me. I try so hard to be nice, gentle, caring, relaxed. Relaxed is what I feel almost never. Maybe just after an orgasm or after a long run. Relaxation was what made me drink in the first place. Maybe I should open another topic about this problem.

This isn’t me…I rarely get angry…but this is SOOOOO my husband. I have to remind myself that every time he gets angry (especially at the kids) he is just reacting to his own emotions (most likely a feeling of inadequacy as a parent) and not actually reacting to the situation. I have to remember this so I don’t just snap back at him but rather try to get everyone to calm down again. Otherwise it would be house full of people all snappy and angry all the time and no one really sure what started it all.