Anne Hathaway shares her struggle with alcohol

She recognized that she loves alcohol too much, and that quitting was the best thing for her child.


A man of thirty was doing a great deal of spree
drinking. He was very nervous in the morning after
these bouts and quieted himself with more liquor. He
was ambitious to succeed in business, but saw that he
would get nowhere if he drank at all. Once he started,
he had no control whatever. He made up his mind
that until he had been successful in business and had
retired, he would not touch another drop. An excep-
tional man, he remained bone dry for twenty-five
years and retired at the age of fifty-five, after a suc-
cessful and happy business career. Then he fell vic-
tim to a belief which practically every alcoholic has
—that his long period of sobriety and self-discipline
had qualified him to drink as other men.


I really like this actress, great she made this decision.

That was the troubling aspect of this article. So when her child turns 18 it’s OK to abuse alcohol? There’s no logic in that. But then, there’s no logic to substance abuse.


Hopefully she will last 18 years ??? Great film bye the way watched it last week

Good on her :blush:, I wonder if she will last 18 years “for her child”? Perhaps “for herself” would prove easier but each to their own motivation

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18 years is a nice strech to hopefully find she doesn’t need it anymore.