Another stuff up caused by alcohol

Hi all. Alcohol has always been a big part of my life. Have had Some great times and some real low times. I have once again stuffed up my relationship to the point of no return. All because of Alcohol and the control it has over me. I don’t remember what I do or what I say most of the time and two weeks ago was the last straw for my now ex… He lost all respect for me and after he told me what I’d done, I’ve lost respect for myself… but I know that person isn’t me. I am truely a better person than drunk me. (Drunk me is a nasty horrible ugly person) I am now on day 3 of being sober and hope to celebrate many mile stones with you all. Thanks :blush:


I woke up every morning especially after a party trying to recollect the night before. Did not often cause drama but it did happen. Most of the time it was more of what could have happened, like whilst driving drunk, it was a very very low feeling

Welcome here!
Recognizing and admitting you have a problem is step 1, quitting is 2 so you hopped on the sobriety train :+1:
We cannot change the past, so we change our future!
It helps me to come and check in sober every day. I have a day counter on my mobile phone. And I told my family about my quitting alcohol. I keep my fridge full and stay busy so I try to keep my mind on other things then “not drinking”


What’s the counter called please? Would love one on my phone :grin:

I downloaded 3 different apps with tickers on them. I am only 2 days in, but it feels like a major accomplishment already. I’m trying out the different apps to see what works best for me as I’ve never committed as much as this before. I’m actually accessing this forum through the Sober Time app, which I thought was just part of the app, but I guess you can access it on the web too.

I have just downloaded the I am sober one.

I will say after looking at the I Am Sober app again, I just deleted it. It has the ticker on it and daily motivational quotes, but the support section is some kind of paid online therapy stuff, and I find this forum that I’m accessing for free through the Sober Time app to be way more therapeutic. The nomo app is good too because they have a journaling feature and mind distraction exercises/games in the app to help you redirect if you are wanting a drink.

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Maybe try a meeting might help wish you well

You can add the sober time count down widget on your phone! I have it! Put you finger a few seconds on a empty spot on your telephone screen. The widgets button pops up, then scroll true the apps and look for “Sober time” and add that one. And there it is: your count down timer.
If it doesn’t work you can always find one in the app store for free.

Quite literally the exact reason I’ve decided to get sober. 20 days ago, I not only burned the bridge (with my now ex) but erased the map so no one knew there ever was a bridge.

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The amount of times alcohol has had negative effects on past relationships is something I’m not proud of. Waking up to hear all the horrible things I said, or the dumb things I did…or my partner did…it’s one of the many reasons it’s just not worth it anymore.

Just take it a day at a time, and check in here, often. There’s all kinds of support here.

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