Anxiety and sobriety

Today has been really hard my anxiety is making me shake and I’m wondering why I’m even doing this I feel like my boyfriend looks at me with disgust today and I can not tell him that I’m struggling. I feel like I’m such a burden to everyone


Welcome Nicole! Glad u found us :slight_smile:
I too suffer with anxiety and am in recovery. Whats making u feel like a burden? It sounds like u dont feel comfortable talking to ur bf right now, but were here if u feel the need to vent.


I’m sorry to hear that, anxiety is definitely hard enough on its own but we can get through it! Being anxious makes me feel like I’m asking for something or to much to deal with


I’m sorry you feel anxious, but why can’t you share this with your boyfriend that you are struggeling?

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Welcome! I am sorry you are struggling. Can you share a little of it here?

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Welcome :hugs:
Sending some healing hugs your way

Hi Nicole, anxiety is so shit, the first few weeks are the worst especially because we can’t run and hide behind our DOC and forget everything when anxiety hits, but it’s gets easier and after a few weeks settles down, I’m 3 months and still have ups and downs with anxiety but generally it is so much better than it was before getting sober, and definitely so much easier than those first few crappy weeks of wild rollercoaster emotions

Same boat, although I’ve become better at managing it. Breathing, walking/exercise, speaking to your doctor. It’s a tough spot to be in but it will pass.

My anxiety was through the roof when I quit. It was so bad I started drinking again after 2 weeks. I couldn’t deal with everything I had numbed for so long. I ended up being prescribed antidepressants to help with it, not saying that’s right for everyone but if you are able to reach out to someone for help with mental health I hope they can help you find some peace.

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