Anxiety, and social media(dealing with past psychosis)

Hey all. So question for all. So, since I had my major methamphetamine psychosis back in February, I lost access to my social media(as in Facebook, Instagram, and the main email associated) I was I think, changing my passwords and locked myself out, but also I think my domestic violence partner at the time might have been messing with me it too(I’ll never know and I’m okay with that now…). Either way, since then, I have had my old accounts sitting like a ghost. I have tried recreating new ones, and any time I had, I would get severe anxiety, almost as if it triggers that psychosis I was in again. So this is the most “social” type of anything I’ll do on a phone, other than zoom. I’m better now without it I feel. Keeping my social circle small, and close. And recovery people closer. Any time I have thought about joining social media again, or tried, it only has gotten me into trouble mentally, or I would be tempted to contact old associates, and being early in recovery that has been very hard to stay away from. So, my question is realistically in sobriety how do you guys handle it? The temptation using social media? ? Stress? Fear? Or do you just do what I do, and avoid it all together? Thanks all! (Night time is when the “shi**y committee” in my head starts and so this platform is a great place to come at the moment)


I deleted all social media in rehab. But before that I barely used it anyway. I came to found out that there’s, IN MY OPINION, absolutely nothing positive about social media. It causes jealousy, it makes you sad because someone else seems to have a perfect life while you don’t, it’s addictive, it’s full of things that can trigger cravings, it’s only good if you only use DM and only with people you know well. Otherwise it’s unhealthy for your head and for your sobriety.
Hope this helps, good luck :smiley:


What you just described, my counselor calls the “compare and despair” effect. Thank you for your opinion and your reply. It helps when people relate. That’s why I text. Because I feel much closer than I did with those on Facebook or Instagram. Communicating face to face on zoom through this epidemic or by text, has been nice because I have realized more who my social circle consists of. Hugs friend!


I personally got rid of all my social media , I deactivated my Facebook instead of completely deleting it only because messenger is actually really useful for me , I never cared for social media , if your not using it for business or advertising or something of that sort then I don’t see the point. People tend to only have it for instant gratification of these " Likes" and most of the time I see people already toxic negativity or bad vibes. Personally I feel this place full of addicts has more love and positive energy then any social media platform. I been great without them and I’m going on 7 and a half months sober with a small circle of genuine good people and family members.



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I totally feel you on that, this group is so positive, and it is like a complete stress relief and it’s like we don’t have to hide anything. Congrats on the 7 and a half! That’s amazing! And I really appreciate your input. Hugs friend!


No problem ,. Coming on here and trying to hear people out and help them on their journey helps me with mines , plus I’ve grown to genuinely like being there for people. I realized that I disliked social media so much because of the selfishness I saw in it …THEN I realized that I disliked it because I had that same selfishness within me smh …you learn alot about yourself in this journey … and I learned I need to be the change I wish to see in this world, thank you for the congratulations :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray: hugs and good vibes and best of luck to you


I was a huge Facebook user. No joke I’ve spent probably at least 3 hours on it everyday nearly since the beginning when FB first came out. So, like ten years. I didn’t really have any other social media accounts.

I completely deleted it in January of this year. I love not having it now! I really believe I’m in a much healthier place mentally without it. I dont compare myself to people anymore, I don’t see all the dumb misinformed
viral crap that people always post. It’s been nice.


I ditched all personal social media five years ago. No Friendface for me. I refuse to be a Twit. No Instadamage, either.

My reason was simple: Just as porn portrays a distorted view of sexuality, social media is a hugely distorted view on human relationships. The fact that we can design a whole facade regarding our lives, families, etc., only makes it worse.

I want reality. I live sober. I experience the organic highs and lows of life, undistorted. I really don’t want to know every little musing of a family member or friend, where they stand on social issues, who they root for in sports, or what they had for lunch. I don’t want to construct a branded image of my life, for the purpose of edification or to garner envy.

Social Media can stay off my lawn.


Well said. :clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5: I deactivate my Facebook for exactly this reason.


Well said thank you !

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I’ve always said that Social media can be worse than drugs. People flock to it looking for instant gratification and even becoming depressed when a post doesnt receive many “likes”.
I have 18 FB friends, family and few friends. I mainly keep it to search for good deals I can flip.
I think Social media could be useful as long as you keep the negativity and wrong people off of it.