Anxiety from being sober

It’s been 2 and a half days since I’ve drank. I can’t stop going to the bathroom, and my anxiety has been so bad. Over the most silliest things. I can’t get my mind to stop wandering.
Please tell me I’m not alone


You’re not alone! If I’m not busy or occupied, anxiety creeps in. It’s been getting better, or I’m able to process anxiety better without drinking.
One thing my friend told me that helped, is that anything I’m worried about won’t matter in two months. It kind of helped scale what is worth focusing on instead of being overwhelmed by looking and focusing on absolutely everything.

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Yeah I got that REALLY bad. Hang in there. It gets better (and better and better and…)


YOU are not alone !
Congratulations on 2 and a half days that’s awesome keep pushing and soon you will have 3 days 4 , 5 then a week you have the strength within I’m rooting for you

Oh gosh are you ever not alone! I’m 2.5 days also. Peeing is good though, means your body is cleaning out all the alcohol toxins!! I sweat like hell also. Highly recommend you drink lots of electrolytes in your water to replace the salts and take magnesium and potassium supplement and also, I drink bone broth when the muscle cramps get bad (need NaCl salt to keep muscles relaxed) I’m no dr but have my masters in nutrition so know what my body is doing in response to my bullshit drinking. Hope it helps you!

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Great job on your 2 and a half days. Really good start.
I read something today and posted it on the daily check in thread and on Daily Gratitude List #2

How gratitude can help combat anxiety :point_down:

I hope maybe this can help.