Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 248

Pa has gotten more ill overnight, they’re about to put him in respiratory care. He quickly got worse overnight and got moved to the lung intensive care unit (There’s probably a real English word for that part of the hospital, but unfortunately I have no idea what it is, medical terms in English isn’t really my area)

I got permission to do a single project on my project management course instead of a group project, so that’s good.

And the old lady took us into the city again today because she needed her car fixed. I bough some makeup on sale, and a pair of black canvas shoes I really needed for this season.

So that’s also good.

Have a nice day everyone.


  1. One day at a time, control what you can actually control. At least in my state, life for those of us actually working is getting pretty crappy. People are not joinging the workforce, and every single buisness is hurting for people. Factories, stores, truck drivers,…every business is at their breaking point. I am watching my peers melting down over life right now.

Simple fact, I can not control why people are not joing the work force. I can not control suppliers running out of product, not being able to deliver product. All I can do is control what is in front of me. Do my best, and then go home.

I see drunk alcoholic Thirdmonkey in my peers. Life is craptastic right now…but back then I let it effect how I was…and I was miserable.

Today, I will do what I can, control what I can…then go home and relax. It’s a lesson I have learned from AA…and my peers just can’t figure it out.

A gift of sobriety…peace amongst the storm.

Stay sober friends!


Congrats on your 34th Shay. You made such a tremendous amount of progress during the last 648 sober days. I’m proud and feel privileged to have shared some of your road with you. And I am sure you will do this next big step too, and will be an even better person for it. Life ain’t easy but it’s worth it. You’re living it. Big hugs friend.
tenor (3)


yes the deep breathing is important! I will get through this ‘fix mode’ as you say. I actually have to, as i’m on SSRI’s and you shouldn’t mix them and meth, can be quite dangerous apparently. I hope it passes soon, I haven’t yet made it through a fix mode without using, yet

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I’m grateful to be checking in on day 489 in the morning. I just got done my gratitude list on here.
For anyone who might know me, knows my biggest tool in my sobriety tool box is gratitude. It seems like I’m always pushing it. Especially on new comers. And I might bloody well continue to do that after reading this today.
I’m so fucking grateful to be sober.
Check this out if you’re willing.

Gratitude can have such a powerful impact on your life because it engages your brain in a virtuous cycle. Your brain has only so much power to focus its attention. It cannot easily focus on both positive and negative stimuli

So if you’re struggling, try getting on the gratitude thread and list what you’re grateful for.
What have you got to loose?
Your sobriety! That’s what you got to loose!

Did I mention I’m grateful to be sober :pray::heart:


Day 327 clean and sober today. I’ve gone to the gym two nights in a row now which is huge for me. Being off for four months recovering from surgery has left me super unhealthy physically, mentally and emotionally and it’s been hard to get back to where I was. I’m pretty excited that I’ve gone and it’s putting me back into the mindset of no matter what. Have a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


So awesome !!!

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Thank you Mno, very thoughtful of you. I appreciate you and this whole community!


Happy Birthday. I’m sorry it has been a tricky one. It sounds like there is a lot going on but you are bravely facing it…and that really is something to have pride in.


Today is my dad’s birthday, tomorrow is mine. We usually just combine the two. My dad is my best friend. So many amazing awesome qualities I got from him. We even look similar. Unfortunately, I also gained from him is addict and alcoholism. He is my best friend but he too is an alcoholic. It’s tough at times me being sober and him still drinking to excess. He doesn’t understand the struggles I deal with on a day to day because he has never tried to give it up. Anyways, I love him unconditionally and that’s all that matters. Gonna surprise him tonight. I think he’ll be happy. Have a great day everyone


Happy birthday sweet girl :heart: You are stronger than you know


:hugs: Thanks so much!

Happy birthday, Shay. I hope you find some time soon to give your tears the room. And I keep my fingers crossed for your upcoming decisions. And happy for your 648 days! :tada::bouquet::pray:

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1002 days alcohol free. Happy humpday


@iva congrats on your week :tada:
@apes2020 congrats on double digits :tada:
@Wasabi79 congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Wunderbar sorry to hear about your brother being in a bad way, sending prayers :pray:t2:
@anon35096624 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Bigbear congrats on double digits :tada: I sometimes can taste alcohol for a second, but more often I can smell cocaine, even now at nearly 8 months clean, bizarre indeed.
@SoberSenze congrats on your week :tada:
@Donut89 welcome and congrats on 46 days :tada:
@TaiTy21 welcome and congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Desire2ChangeToday happy birthday :balloon::birthday::gift::partying_face:sorry it began so emotionally :blue_heart:

268 days no alcohol.
236 days no cocaine.

Having a low mood week so far this week. They come and they go, I know that. Practicing sitting with it, but it’s uncomfortable, meditation has helped a bit today though. I haven’t even got dressed today. I haven’t walked since Sunday. I really want to walk to the shop to buy some healthy ready meals, to try having one of those a day to break up the shakes as those are sweet and I end up bingeing when I crave savoury. Really anxious because I had to take in a parcel for a neighbour yesterday morning, and they still haven’t knocked to collect it. I feel too anxious to go and knock on their door, and I would also feel bad if I left it outside their door and someone took it. I’m on constant high alert from not knowing when the knock at the door will come. Ugh, I hate anxiety.

Tomorrow is a new day and I’m feeling positive about my zoom therapy appointment in the afternoon, so there’s that to look forward to.


D142, checking in.

I’ve started working with a sponsor in SLAA a little over a week ago, and so far it’s been very good. Challenging and intense for sure, but good.

We established some ground and identification first and now we start working on the 12 steps.

Have a great sober day everyone! :heartpulse:


Aww gee, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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Checking in. I’m still so fucking depressed, I can’t seem to find any sense or purpose in anything. Luckily no cravings, just living one day after another looking forward to fall asleep. I hope it soon will be over. Yet I’m glad that I’m sober.