Anxiety in my head

Day 3 and I keep having waves of anxiety … as if something bad is going to happen. I can’t shake it. I don’t know why I get it… the mind won’t stop :worried:


It’s super common as you come off using a depressant like alcohol, you brain is trying to reset itself and the spiraling thoughts can linger for a while. Have you tried any meditations? There are guided ones that have helped a lot of people here. Insight Timer and I use the Calm app. Also, Google box breathing, there are gif visuals you can use to help with some breathing exercises. Hang in there, it will get better.


I will try and meditate / breath.Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re a big bundle of chemicals and nerves. Anxiety is your body as well as your mind. It’s the same reason that people with depression don’t cheer up.

Rest, love yourself, take care of yourself.


Hang in there. In early recovery especially the first week the anxiety can be hard to deal with but remember it does get easier. What helped me was making sure to eat properly and drink plenty of water. Go for walks if you can… exercise helps. Keep reaching out on here and make sure to continue to talk about how your feeling because that does make things better. Listen to music you like or watch a good show to distract your mind. Meditation helps. Also I want to say congrats on 3 days. And I’m proud of you for reaching out on here. It does get better :grinning:


Thank you! Work keeps me busy and listening to Nahko Bear as we speak :nerd_face::relieved:


Hey like others have said anxiety in early recovery is commen but still dont make it nice lol try to keep up with your mindfulness use meditation, rest when you can exercise also helps. For me it was gong baths that really helped can find them on youtube good luck :+1:


I will look for a gong bath :relieved:

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I also experience anxiety - and have to actively manage my thoughts; I try focusing on a memory of a vacation, and it helps me calm down and redirect (or fall asleep if it happens at night)!


This is a great one to start with , see how you get on :grinning:


I started listening to this when I awoke this morning. I’m going to finish it after work , and my work out … use it to wind down. So far I like it very much.