Anxiety much?

Who else gets anxiety from being 100% sober?
It’s probably not from being sober, I know, however, it’s nerve racking to be sober. Idk Why! Maybe it’s because I don’t have anyone to really talk to.
I am happy though that I’m trying to live a be the life for myself.


I get nothing less than peace from sobriety. My life isn’t all unicorns farting rainbows, but gone is the anxiety over a disappointed spouse, getting through the day hungover, or worrying about getting that 1st drink when the work day ends.

Free your mind, your ass will follow.


Me!!! I do I do!!!


I have suffered from anxiety my entire life. Alcohol helped, and I feel completely emotionally exposed without it. Now I am trying to find other ways to cope.

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I haven’t had a sip of alcohol for 11 days now and I’m feeling sooo much anxiety. I feel like I now have so much energy so I have been working out more. I still feel like my anxiety/energy is on a very high level. You are not alone my friend!


If you dont have anyone to talk to maybe a meeting might help not for everyone but it might give you less anxiety and the feeling of belonging , wish you well


I have really been battling anxiety since getting sober. In my car I feel like it’s mostly because I’ve hid my addiction for so long, and now all the ugly details are coming to light. And my wife has told me she wants to know all of them.

I’ve been trying to focus on the serenity prayer and do some breathing exercises, but those seem to only work as long as I’m doing them. I meet with my therapist tonight, maybe this is something I should mention to her.


Alcohol was like a miracle for me. Something that dulls my senses, makes me not remember how painfully awkward I am. What could be better?
Except you know getting sick, blacking out, being hungover, being verbally abusive to the people I care about. Stuff like that. At least now people know that I’m awkward and uncomfortable in social situations. They try to help and build up my confidence too since thats non-existent.
It’s been getting better but sometimes I still feel it, not being included, not knowing what to say, not having that crutch to lean on. I hope with time it’ll pass.


I too suffer from anxiety. And ive noticed with time it has gotten better, but i had to take certain steps to get there. I see a therapist, i take medication, i attend AA meetings. I have a sponsor and support group. I get on this app. So talking to people helps me tremendously! I cant even begin to tell you how much telling on my disease helped and just talking about things that bothered me helped. It took practice though, just like anything else. And btw, im not saying run out and get on medication, thats just what worked for me. Try talking to people first. Try hitting a meeting first. Try getting out of self first. Try writing also, that really helped me too. I had to keep busy and stay out of my own head. Its not really quiet up there, so thats where the meetings and writing came in for me. Some other things you could try are listening to music, art like drawing or w.e. you prefer, talking on the phone not just texting. Start a hobbie, something you enjoy! Hope this helps…

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