Anxious nights

Thank you for this its really helpful for me too :+1:


Hmm explains a lot. Ive only been sleeping like 3 hours as well. Thank you for the tips!


Hey Anthony ive just been reading that some dogs can actually smell cortisol! Lol


Really? :worried: maybe im going too hard on my fasting. Not gonna lie. I was just telling my friend about the OMAD fast. Literally one meal a day lol maybe i should chill on that.


I was just doing some googling and obviously not being Satiated can increase cortisol but it also can cause trouble sleeping which makes sense. There are two systems in the brain the sympathetic nervous system or fight or flight and the parasympathetic nervous system or rest and digest so following such a diet causes you to stay more in the fight or flight sympathetic nervous system. Honestly it would probably help with both stress and sleep if you are smaller more nutritious meals more frequently throughout the day. Also knowing your history it seems you may crave to be in the fight or flight mode since that is what stims produce and what you have become accustomed and would explain why your not hungry outside that time that you do eat. so i think that might help in all areas of your life mental and physical. Idk just my thoughts on it. At first it might be a struggle since you have trained your mind and body to this routine but they quickly adjust. Either way just my unprofessional view on things take this hire you will


Makes sense. I do enjoy the “on edge” feeling. Makes me feel awake and alert. When i would eat all day i would feel sluggish and mentally exhausted. Now i have energy all day and literally all night :roll_eyes: Thank you for your insight. Idk im im willing to break my fasting tho. It fits very well into my life right now. Honestly I was over eating a lot. Idk if im willing to go back to eating more. I’m sure its a psychological thing but who knows >_<

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Well yes which is why im suggesting you don’t over eat just eat more frequently. I mean you could have a low calorie salad as a meal or a bit of rice and chicken

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Thats pretty much what i have. High protein high fat very low card meals. Shit lpad of veggies and a bit of fruit. I even eat bread. I’d just hate to fall into old habits. :sleepy:

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Regardless of the food issues i think making that call about the therapy will still also be a good idea…


I tried calling about 7 times…not happy with kaiser anymore…maybe this year ill switch to a different medical plan.

Here I am at 4am…outside my house…again.


The fast might be another control issue…as in it is something you can control. Another thing to bring up with your therapist, I hope you can talk to someone soon. I’m also up at 4 am, but it’s insomnia and I’ll soon be back asleep…going to listen to a meditation, they seem to help. Best of wishes @Chino.Antrax !!


Yeah I see my fasting as a good thing. Kinda like my cold showeres. I choose to be in pain lol not the other way around. When i do this i feel in control of my day. I also do a bit of meditation and controlled breathing. My brother recommended I start taking magnesium for sleep. I took it for the first time last night and it worked lol i slept from 0500 till 1330! I woke up feeling good too. Hopefully I wont have to depend on this for a long time. It really knocked me out.


Sup, bro.

I’ve been dealing with bad anxiety since I started working remotely. I’ve been working from home for 7 years now. I get social anxiety. I don’t even know how to communicate with people in public. It’s hard for me to start or end a convo. I was more social when I was drinking. Felt more confident and relaxed when I was buzzed.

Caffeine fucks with me, too. I tried cutting back but I need it to get a bump in the mornings.

All this anxiety gave me acid reflux. The docs put me on antidepressants. They help a bit. They’re supposed to treat the nerves or some shit.

I meditate and do breathing techniques.

I hope you fine a resolution. Take care.


I’ve heard great things about magnesium in general! Good to know. Hope we both get better nights of sleep out here on tye West Coast…we lose an hour’s sleep tonight as it is!!!


Wassup man!

Dude. I work with people everyday and I still detest socializing…im not great at it. I hate small talk and even more when people try to “get to know me”
What are we in kinder?
Social anxiety is normal for me…i just try my best not to be a dick and to be as kind as possible. Specially with my patients. I treat them with the upmost respect, specially the addicts…I show nothing but love for my people…
I know what you mean when u say drinking gets you more confident, nothing like some liquid courage! Lol

I chose not to take anti-depression pills and all that mood stabilizing medication the day I decided to stop altering my state of mind. I want my brain to heal completely. Some of us need it more than others, but me. Ill be alright…I hope.

Dude, i was just telling my coworker how my acid reflux went away while fasting. I have GERD as well. Nasty too. But since I changed my way of eating, its been gone.

Thank man.


Hopefully we can sleep well! If its not too much to wish for :sweat_smile: