Any cocaine binge addicts?

Thank you so much! I know deep in my heart it’s not a phase, just what everyone else likes to tell me! I have grown up around it all my family are alcoholics and cocaine addicts so, and when you can’t get leave the house without it, ever had a job because of it, maintain healthy relationships and live recklessly is when you know it is a problem. I am definitely going to look at some NA meeting and stay on sites like this you and a few others have made me feel like am not the only one like this today. One day done :clap:t2: Well done on your 140 days clean you should be really really proud of yourself ! :raised_hands:t2:

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Thank you :raised_hands:t2:

Well done on 4 months what a achievement :clap:t2:

You have really made me think! I have also thought about trying heavier drugs to get a better high, as I’m not getting the same high as I did years ago off the coke. Thank you for sharing that with me, and I am 100% going to get help. One day done now, hopefully going to try and have another day clean tomorrow! And well done on getting clean x

It grips you doesn’t it! And you don’t even realise until it’s a major problem, horrible drug that is everywhere you look. Thank you so much for your words :raised_hands:t2:

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Please just don’t ever try crack I guarantee you it’s not worth it :slightly_smiling_face:


I would agree with everyone who has said it. Cocaine is much easier to give up once you’ve got a little time under your belt. I used it pretty consistently for years with both alcohol and heroin but it’s the first few weeks that really suck. Just give it some time off :slight_smile:


Hay how are you today ? Hope your getting through the cravings. Message me anytime you need support or chat x

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Heavy cocaine user here. My friends used to call me tony montana as id go thru 4grams in like 4 hours. This lasted 10 years. The past two i managed to stay clean for 90 day periods, kinda easily actually. Like most people said: once you stop using for a few weeks, maybe a month, it gets easier. I did it with alcohol and without it but quitting drinking helped me a lot. I also stopped going to bars and parties completely. That helps too. But then life can get boring and you might crave it again. I just trashed 307 days clean last week because of that: life being boring. Find hobbys and habits that help you stay engaged. Being bored, to me, was one of the most dangerous things for the addiction. Also, i think we need to stay clean for ourselves, not family etc. I have two kids and a wife and it started to get easier to be clean for me after i stopped “doing this for them” and started “doing for myself”. I hope that helps man, stay positive, stay busy and you will make it! :+1:

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