Any foods helped in your journey?

I love tacos!

What got me through the rough times was sweets. Cakes, ice cream, chocolate, any and every dessert I could get my hands on.

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TACOS TACOS TACOS !!! :drooling_face:
aw man all out sweets royal rumble definitly better then drinking or your DOC it helps out

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:cat: absolutely! Lol. Iā€™m the type a girl that goes to a Mac Donaldā€™s drive thru orders a cheeseburger to start, a double Big Mac and large fries and an apple pie and a Diet Pepsi :flushed: like Diet Pepsi is gonna save me some calories!!?!! :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Oh lord i know exactly what your talking about :sweat_smile::pray: iam the same way uh yaaa cmon really now diet ? No just get yourself a regular pepsi :fire::pray:

Just anything and everything I could eat lol


Next time I might just risk it and try regular. :wink:

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I think weā€™re related :joy: Love all of them.

Also nuts, and salted popcorn cooked in a bit of coconut oil


Homemade cookies! We have made so many this quarantine that we have all the recipes memorized and ALWAYS cookie dough in the fridge to make a fresh batch.
Ive stopped since Ive neen trying to lose weight and dont need the cookie ā€œcrutchā€ lately. No cravings!!


I eat apples like crazy now, gala especially. I never cared for them much before but now I think I must eat one almost every day. It kept me from satisfying my craving for sugar with something unhealthy like chocolate.

(I havenā€™t forgotten about your music request btw. Iā€™ve just been really busy but Iā€™ll get to it soon!)


Iā€™ve talked about this here before, but in terms of food, one thing that really helped was overnight oats. I used to drink at night before bed, and somehow knowing that a bowl of healthy, delicious breakfast was already in the fridge waiting for morning bolstered my resolve not to relapse.

This, of course, on top of treating myself to chocolate and sweets whenever I figured I deserved it. :smile:


Yummm! How do you make overnight oats? What do you add to it to make it healthy? Looking for healthy ideas :slight_smile:


Honestly when I was 21 and tried treatment/12 step groups etc for the 1st time, food in general helped. I was so thin and so malnourished from no eating properly that I ate anything. Food was just so good lol unfortunately I gained 100lbs in my 1st year bcuz I switched addictions. However fast forward 14 or so years im back at recovery againā€¦ and instead have alittle weight to lose and I find healthy food (like big salads with chicken breast, cheese, alittle chopped veg, dried cranberries etc are my go to comfort food. Not only is it healthy for my body but it helps me mentally when I crave drugs. I feel like if Iā€™m treating my body well, then why put something harmful into my body too. Butā€¦ I have a sweet tooth so anything from cheesecake, to DQ blizzards I love!! I used to ā€œtreatā€ myself or use food for comfort, so I just have to watch that I dont overdue it.


I like having food projects. I have always been more of a cook than a baker, but Iā€™ve started experimenting with pizza dough and bread. I do long ferment pizza dough and the extended process keeps me engaged and excited to see how it turns out. Plus, pizza!! There is also something really comforting working with dough. Iā€™ve done some simple bread recipes and am going to keep exploring.


Pizza is my go to, or indian curries!


I find myself definitely craving sweets. To try to be a little healthier I eat a lot of fresh fruit :yum: especially strawberries and blueberries. Grapes are good too. That and sugar free popsicles or Halo top ice cream. It has less calories about 290 to 330 a pint and protein. It is actually really good too!


I have not been able to touch a texmex taco since week 1. :nauseated_face:

I ate an insane amount of cheese (any kind would do!), vegetables and salad in the beginning. Mac & cheese and lasagna were my comfort foods. And the more veggies the better. I could steam a head of cauliflower and eat it by myself. Soy sauce and vinegar went on everything except mac & cheese and lasagna. I some chocolate, too. But my sugar cravings were not too terrible. It was more acid, fat, carbs and vegetables. My latest kick is almonds. Give me all if the natural, unsalted almonds, please.

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Ok, hereā€™s my recipe. I make this before bed in a Tupperware container with a lid.
One mashed banana (the riper the better)
One teaspoon mixed seeds (flax, sunflower, poppyā€¦ they have these premixed bags, or just mix your own)
Chopped walnuts (maybe three walnuts)
Raisins or dates, chopped
1/3 cup oats
2/3 cup oat milk
A tiny pinch of salt (this is very important as it really brings out the flavour, but obvs you have to be careful how much)
Spices you like (I put in some nutmeg, ginger for a little kick, and loads of cinnamon)
Put it in the fridge, eat it in the morning. :yum:

You can also change it up with some peanut butter instead of nuts, some cocoaā€¦ Itā€™s pretty forgiving.

Let me know if you make it!


Fruit is the best. Iā€™m eating an apple as week speak! :heart_eyes:

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