Any horror movie fans?

Absolutely one of my favorites! I dig when other film fan compliment my Arrow t shirt, it’s like a litmus test :joy:.

Terrible. Being very familiar with the Nilson story, this could have been really good. I recently recommended Henry to my dad who was asking for a killer/horror movie. The next day he said “Jesus, that was really scary, the way it was filmed felt so real”.

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Yeah. I was expecting the same kind of thing from Cold Light of Day, but it was just really amateurish. Some truly awful acting.

That’s crazy, though, that you lent Henry to your dad!

Reminds me of when I lent my parents a tape of Scorsese’s Goodfellas about thirty years ago. When they gave it back to me they were like, “I just couldn’t believe how foul-mouthed those people are!”

“But they’re gangsters mum…”

I’m pretty sure my dad secretly enjoyed it though. :blush:

Last night I watched 2016’s A Cure for Wellness, which also has Mia Goth in it. Beautiful looking film but at two-and-a-half-hours, it was waaay too long and tedious. Could probably have been good if they’d trimmed it by about 45 minutes, but I spent about the last hour just wishing it would hurry up and end.

Mia Goth was good in it though, despite having to do some weird things in her role, like suddenly plaster herself with bright red lipstick near the end for no discernible reason. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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So under rated but Frailty is one of my fav horror / suspense films of all time.

Cape fear is also another classic


Yeah, that is a good film that seems to have just completely disappeared into obscurity. I only heard about it for the first time a couple of months ago.

I wrote a little bit about it here:


Here’s what I watched this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday:

Sleep (2020): a weird German horror movie about dreams, curses, and national guilt. Found it pretty hard to follow, to be honest. Anyone else seen it?

Nothing but the Night (1973): a British film about mysterious disappearances surrounding an orphanage on a remote Scottish island. Starring Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Diana Dors. With that cast, it should have been great, but sadly it wasn’t. Made in a rush with no money apparently…

Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991): a Hong Kong prison drama. Not a horror film really, but could definitely be called a “splatter film.” Really OTT violence. Almost like a bloody Tom and Jerry.

Eaten Alive (1980). Another Italian cannibal film. Note to self: Stop watching these!

What Lies Beneath (2000). The one with Harrison Ford and Jodie Foster. I really liked this, up until the very end, when it kind of went off the rails.

Paranormal Activity (2009) & Paranormal Activity 2 (2010). I just picked up very cheap ex-rental copies of the first five Paranormal Activity films (equivalent of about $1 each!). I think I’ve seen the first three, but not since they were originally released (can’t believe that was 14 years ago!). I watched the Alternate Ending version of the first movie, and I think I liked it more than the regular version. I have to say–I found these two movies to be actually pretty scary! I wish all Blumhouse films were as good as these. I’ve heard the quality gradually drops as the series progresses, but I’m looking forward to watching the rest!

Well, that was my weekend. :sweat_smile:
Anyone else see any cool horror flicks?

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I’ve watched a few more.

Vampire’s Kiss (1980) - When @Tragicfarinelli asked about that vampire Cage movie, this was what came to mind for me. I’d seen a few scenes of it when I was in high school and it definitely left an impression. I didn’t know it’s name then but Google found it easily now. Ridiculous but not terrible :+1:

High Tension (2005) - Once I started it I realized I’d seen it but luckily I didn’t remember what would happen next. Very gory with a crazy ending.

Last the Night (2022) - Just stumbled upon it looking thru my IFC sub. It was alright. Pretty messed up.

Sleepaway Camp (1983) - I was curious about what you and Hakeem were talking about. I was wondering about something I noticed at the beginning but was not at all prepared for how it was revealed :rofl:

The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) - Not horror but obviously awesome :star2:

Now I’m watching Swerve (2020). It’s more psychological suspense than horror. It’s uncomfortable and a bit sad but I’m totally into it. Anticipating what comes next.


I have never seen that, but really want to. Nic Cage is meant to be totally off-the-wall in it.

High Tension (2005)

I’ve never heard of this, but it sounds really interesting. Thanks for the heads-up. I’m kind of scared of French movies since I watched Martyrs though… :fearful:

Sleepaway Camp (1983) - I was curious about what you and Hakeem were talking about.

Haha–yeah, it’s nuts. Hope we didn’t cause you to be traumatized!

The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023) - Not horror but obviously awesome :star2:

My wife and daughter went to see that in the theater, but I took a rain check. Way too hardcore for me… :sweat_smile:


Yeah, Nicholas Cages character is what I remembered from 20 years ago. Totally bonkers but it’s great. I definitely recommend High Tension if you haven’t seen it. Idk how it compares to Martyrs but it’s not in any way unwatchable. Also, at this point in my life, I’m not sure what could traumatize me anymore :sweat_smile:


Yesterday we watched this one:

Anyone seen it? It was well made and also has humor in it, I liked it!

Not seen it, but I’ve heard that it’s really good. I’ve somehow managed to avoid seeing any of that director’s movies–including the V/H/S and Scream movies. I’m really keen to check them out though.


Actually, now that I think about it, the super-tight hotpants worn by the musclebound head camp counselor are probably the most traumatizing thing in that movie… :sweat_smile:


Hey Laura, I love how into horror you are like me. Often times people squint at the me like I’m a girl freak. :pray::joy:

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Hey :blush: yes and I really liked it. Fun and original. Have you seen The Hunt? You will enjoy that too. Great movies.

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No, haven’t seen that one but I will check it out. Hope I have some provider that has it in store for me to watch :wink:

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High tension is great!

And Sleepsway camp is absolutely hysterical. :joy::joy: The end :pinched_fingers:t3:

Not a horror, but anyone seen Hard Candy? Yeesh.

Also, not sure if it is horror but it’s really quiet disturbing, the movie Surveillance by Jennifer Lynch. She isn’t as strange as her dad but she has some disturbing themes.


It’s funny you mentioned Hard Candy. I originally watched it when it was released, around the same time as High Tension, and I just put it on my watch list a couple days ago! From what I remember, it’s pretty effed up.


Hope everyone is having a suitably horrific Christmas—I mean that in a good way, of course!

This weekend I watched:

Don’t Listen (AKA Voces)—a Spanish film from 2020. Anyone seen this? It’s essentially a haunted house story. It really had me for about the first hour—it was going great. Good spooky atmosphere, some pretty nasty, unexpected twists, but then, like so many modern horror films, it took a real dive in the last 45 minutes or so. I guess I could maybe recommend it for people who like the modern Blumhouse type films—Quija, Boogeyman, etc., or something like Pope’s Exorcist. I Think it was easily as good as any of those. I was really disappointed by the last half though.

The Devil’s Men (AKA Land of the Minotaur)—very weird Greek production from 1976 starring Donald Pleasance and Peter Cushing. Really dumb story about a Minotaur-worshiping cult. Kind of fun though. Cool 70s fashions and a soundtrack by Brian Eno.

Talk to Me (2022)—this just came out in the theaters here, so I went to see it. I thought it was a really cool old-school horror film. I liked how they kept it to a lean 95 minutes too. Apparently there are prequels and sequels in the works. Hope they don’t mess it up…! :sweat:

Black Christmas—classic proto-slasher from 1974. This was pretty good. Nice feel for the period, and always good to see John Saxon.

Paranormal Activity 4 (2012). As expected, this was quite a drop in quality from 3, which was itself not as good as 1 & 2. I still enjoyed it though. There is something about these movies that gets under my skin. I guess I’m not alone in that though, since they are pretty popular. I think it might like the second one best so far.

And I even managed to hang out with my family some too. :sweat_smile: Pretty good weekend, all-in-all!


Watched a really great film last night: Bone Tomahawk (2015)—anyone seen it?

The film, and its director S. Craig Zahler, were both totally unknown to me, but I happened to hear it mentioned on a horror podcast that I like and it sounded interesting, so I checked it out. Really glad I did. It’s a kind of “horror western.”

It has some pretty big-name actors in it, like Kurt Russel and Patrick Wilson (star of the Conjuring and Insidious movies), so I’m guessing it must be pretty well known—despite my own complete ignorance of it.

I thought it played out like Quentin Tarantino film crossed with an Italian cannibal film from the 70s or 80s (that I have, for some reason, been watching quite lot of recently :sweat_smile:).

Anyway, I would definitely recommend it. (Some pretty gory moments though, so be warned!)