Any other swimmers on here?

Hello from day 2 on my sober journey. I just wanted to say how good a swim can make you feel and it is the only thing keeping me sane right now! It is amazing how a few laps in the pool or a dip in the ocean can completely turn your day around.


I agree 100%! I used to swim laps and it’s like zoning out and just wonderful. I can’t do so much anymore since my shoulder surgery but I’ll do a little breast stroke.


I love swimming! Unfortunately, I only get a few months in the summer to enjoy it. I wish I had access to an indoor pool. I’ve had major back surgery resulting in metal plates making it very painful to do other types of exercising. I agree with Donna, zoning out while doing laps is a great feeling.


I have loved swimming all my life! Just recently back in the gym and the pool is becoming part of my workout. My swim goal right now is 1600 meters under 40 minutes. Not sure if that will happen anytime soon though. Right now it’s taking me about 45 minutes according to my fitbit.

Bye for now…


I’m more of a dipper than a swimmer, so like swim cousins… heheh


Yeah it’s great, I grew up in a coastal town and one of my late uncle’s used to take us swimming in the sea with my cousins and I, we were young and it was kinda scary at first but thanks to him I fell in love with water, especially the sea. I especially love swimming when it’s cold and rainy, I always find the water is warmer.


I love swimming, I was in a swim club as a kid and just rediscovered my love in 2019. Most times, I went swimming after night shift, because on my way home with my bicycle I pass a public swimming pool and swim there for 45 mins.

I slept so well after swimming, but yeah thanks to Covid it’s closed since last year and I can’t go swimming anywhere :disappointed:


I used to be a regular swimmer. I swam a 10k for charity once. I think I burned myself out on it.


I am not a good swimmer but when I worked in a clinic I took the chance to swim 30 min each day while the patients were not admitted. That was quite nice. I loved aqua jogging. This was fun and exhausting.


Ah yes I did a 10k for charity once too! I feel like it was also the highlight of my career :joy: a couple of km now is all I can manage but still does wonders


Ah sorry to hear that! I am very very lucky being in Sydney.

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I went through an advanced swimming school in the USMC. Many open-water swims, a few at night.

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Yes. Compass, map board, and light.

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I swim at my gym 2-3 days a week. I love it. It’s totally relaxing


OK I hit my swim goal quicker than I thought I would on my last post here. I watched some Olympic swim videos last nite and realized how hard they kick off the wall on the turns so I tried that and this is what I got today!

Bye for now…

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Hi Brendan,
are you still active and so your thread?

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