Any sex addicts also use this app?

I have almost 9 months in recovery from drug addiction. Staying away has gotten easier with time. I began using last year and my clean date is Feb. 4, 2017. So I was only using for a little around a year. My clean time will quickly surpass the amount of time I spent using. However, I have been a sex addict my entire life (as I’ve recently discovered). Ever since I was small (small being 5 years old, maybe younger) I was obsessed with sex, sexuality, and body exploration. This lead me into the sex industry, where I worked underage secretly for a while. I collected nudes, watched large amounts of pornography, and sent nudes to anyone who showed the slightest interest in me. I will have exactly 9 months of drug recovery on the 4th. I can barely accumulate one week of sexual sobriety. I keep relapsing. The only thing that stops me sometimes is exhaustion from work. Is anyone else on here in the same or similar boat?


Yes. I am a sex addict. New to this app and have made it 37 days without acting out.


Hey, great job on accepting you have a problem. There are sex addicts here as well as porn and masturbation addicts, myself included. As far as users who might be able to have some good advice, try @Aceveteran and @Ignatius. Like @Bill_Phillips said, go to the search box and look for words like sex addict, porn, masturbation, you’ll find lots of things to help. I’ll be praying for you guys also


No,I haven’t, and I really miss him. I hope and pray that he hasn’t relapsed. I want so badly to believe that his absence is a sign of sobriety;idk though.

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Before rehab I was seeing 7 men besides my husband. Since I returned under a month ago I have been with 4 of them (and hubby-tonight was the first night with him since before I left.) I think I started the sex addiction at 16 and drinking/smoking at 18. I’ve also gotten into shopping again. Sigh.

I am admittkng my powerless to this addiction and blessed to find some of those with my common problem. Have you all found this app helpful?

I am also admittkng my spell check is apparently not working in this app…:grinning:

I am also a sex addict. I have found this app helpful, I use it everyday. One of my biggest struggles has been questioning the nature of my own addiction. Coming here and reading what people with addictions to alcohol or drugs say reminds me that I am an addict and I am doing the right things… Coming here, working a 12 step program, engaging in fellowship with fellow addicts…

Great! I am sure we are not alone just feel like there are a lot more AA,NA,NicA recovery here.

I find it helpful with the fellowship. All addictions have similar characteristics and my sex addiction is no different. I am working a twelve step program as well. God is working miracles in my life everyday. Talking to others about my addiction helps me from acting out as well as feeling gratitude.

I can totally relate!! I can’t remember when I haven’t been Masterbating !!! Now I want to hook up anonymously with anyone who will have sex with me!! I just downloaded this app I hope it will help !!

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Marvin, welcome. The nature of our addiction is progressively addictive and destructive. This app can be a huge help. Try to think of it as a tool in your toolbox, something to help you get through when you’re feeling triggered to masterbate or hookup with someone. I encourage you to find additional tools though, this app may not be enough on its own. Have you been to any meetings? I have personally found SA ( to be extremely helpful.