Anyone else have a wake up call?

I am 5 days sober that doesn’t sound like much but to me it is EVERYTHING! Shockingly I don’t even crave it anymore.
Recently my fiance has made me so angry by almost cheating on me, and just being overall abusive… that I may leave him.

But even though all that happened, im happy he stopped my need for a numbing substance. He helped me realize when you are numb you have no idea what is going on around you.

Has anyone else had a sobering wake up call??


More than I can count over the years. Unfortunately, for me, they never stuck. You’ll read a lot of stories on here about people who have lost everything, become homeless, gone to jail, almost died, lost custody of children, etc.

I hope what hit you in the face - sticks! But don’t trust it. Journal it out. Write it all out with a commitment. Back that up with actions you will take to keep it real.

Today you feel strong and committed and that’s amazing. Just don’t become complacent that the feeling will last - because 99.99% of the time, it takes a lot of work. We all wish a golden moment would come along that would take away the want/need.

I am rooting for you!


This thread has lots of stories like that! At one point it was a pretty popular thread but then people kind of forgot about it. Hopefully some of the stories will help :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you! im new and its had to navigate through this app.

Congratulations on day 5 :grin:

Yes hit rock bottom then found another rock under that one !!

Its best to get out of an abusive relationship and concentrate on yourself, your worth so much more.

Im glad you made the decision to quit and you found us all here.

Keep positive and keep posting

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I just recently had to break up with my boyfriend because he was and is my trigger… he drinks everyday does drugs and felt like if I wasn’t around all that I was going to make him upset…and being numb for me was the only way I could deal with all his shenanigans…Stay strong you got this!