Anyone else have anxiety?

I’ve noticed myself getting overly anxious since I’ve been sober. 8 months for me and it’s gotten worse as the days go by… it kicks into overdrive whoever I am in a social setting :pensive:. Maybe it’s just my brains coping mechanism? Anyone else suffer social anxiety since becoming sober?


Join the queue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But seriously yes there are lots of people here with mental health issues. Don’t know where in the world you are but if you have access to healthcare, that’s a good place to start. I am on Sertraline/Zoloft and found it made a massive difference to my anxiety. On a waitlist for CBT.

I also think there’s something in the fact that when we drink we feel more confident. I know my social identity was really tied to being pissed and working out how to navigate social situations sober has been a learning curve. Social anxiety isn’t my issue though so no specific tips to offer there.


I recommend maybe getting some essential.oils and vitamin d. I’m not a doctor but I myself know that when I start feeling anxious those things seem to help for me. As far as a social scene … That’s just the body and spirit fighting against eachother. It’s like a Tasmanian devil trying to get out and give you hell because that’s what it feeds on .


Try and go to meetings and maybe join the gym these tools helped me overcome my anxiety s, wish you well

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Absolutely. One of the main reasons I drank. Am in the midst of finding healthy solutions. Good luck

Exercise helps me a lot with this.


Magnesium supplements can really help improve your sleeep, anxiety and stress. It has made a big difference for me.


When i was drinking everything i did had to be with a drink. I had no confidence without it. I can still be the same today at times. Not as bad. I am better at talking about it today and when i say it, it loses it power over me.

I dealt with the same problem and I am by no means telling you how to solve them but I will tell you that I use legal CBD oil and it seems to work very well for my anxiety and pain. It is non psychoactive so there is no Euphoria or mind-altering with it