Anyone else here for a masturbation problem?

It feels weird to talk about this. I don’t like the way it makes me feel because it drains my energy and I also come from a christian background(kind of strayed away from that)… anyways I tend to do it when feeling extra depressed. I’ve recently started working out more and have been trying to lose more weight. I try to keep my mind as busy as possible and have gone sober for long periods of time. But as of recent the relapses happen every 2-3 weeks. It semi has to do with the fact that a love interest has completely x’ed me out of their life not to long ago and I also lost my job. I’m hoping that this app helps me keep a steady mind. Masturbation isn’t a new problem, I’m 23 and have been dealing with this since I was 16. I’ve been battling this addiction before I even knew that I was addicted. Anyways I hope everyone else is doing well. I plan on applying for an electrician apprenticeship in San Leandro. But that’s not happening until October 28th. So until then I’m left at home editing videos and trying to get more writing jobs. STAY STRONG!