Anyone else training for a Spartan?

Quick check in before bed. I did my push ups and did my walk (1.4 miles) today. Going to bed sober.


Nice! Bet if feels great!!

I hit my small goals yesterday. Same goals for today. I’ll be traveling most of the day, and out of town. So… I’ll be super late again today. My goal this weekend is to plan out my week via spartan research and gym research.

I had a strength session with my trainer at the gym today. I’ll include the push ups under that heading, too!

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Nice! What did you guys work on?

I made it through another long day, successfull with my goals. Another long one ahead today and I start my planning on Saturday.

As for pushups, I gain strength fairly quickly with those, but have never really pushed myself past 10. I reckon with all the burpees I may have to do with the spartan, I might need to practice those.

I need to focus on pull-up strength and one arm strength for monkey bars. I will start this weekend by alternating dead hangs on my pull up bar. I’m wondering if the main weakness there is possibly my hands.


In my limited experience with Spartan training, it’s very much about your hand strength and your head. With my trainer, we usually do a full body work out that includes core, legs (curls and extensions), chest and shoulders. Yesterday also included one armed pulls, funny you should mention that!

Today is my twofer day, spinning and either swimming or boxing. I have boxing passes on my account still, so probably that. I’m check in tonight.

BTW, check out a 30 day challenge for push ups. That’s how I got to 50 a day.

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Spartan - no, Tough Mudder - yes. This will be my 5th, my daughter’s 2nd. Last year I didn’t do it, felt I was too old. A few weeks ago I mentioned to The Deuce I have at least one more in the tank. I think it’s in August next year. Very excited!

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I did the twofer today, and my morning push ups! Insane spinning at noon, boxing at 5:30. The boxing is fun, 13 3 minute rounds of heavy bag work mixed with calisthenics and 45 seconds rest between rounds. Almost no footwork, though, but a great upper body and mental workout!

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Ok, all over that 30 day challenge!!

I’ll keep you posted on what I come up with for the week.

Awesome workouts with your trainer. You must be in great shape. What a true gift sobriety is. I feel like it gives us this great motivation to love and respect our bodies. Poor things deserve it after what we’ve put them through lol

Nice! And never too old. Glad you’re doing another one. Boo yah!!!

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I stayed up too late last night, didn’t get enough sleep. Skipped the push-ups today. Walked the dog about 2 miles. Tried to run but cut it short, only a mile, because I aggravated my Achilles injury again, probably boxing yesterday. I’ll probably go for a long bike ride tomorrow. Going to bed sober again!

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Running is my biggest concern with this spartan, even thought it’s a short one, like 3 or 5 miles. Keep me posted on how your Achilles is doing. I know that’s a rough one. I shattered a knee cap years ago and thought that was my issue. With some research it looks like the pain is actually from something from my hips and I can stretch and use a roller. So baby steps. Going to stick with my gym just for now and run in short intervals for 30 minutes a day this week, regular weightlifting routine and I’m going to find a pull-up and push up challenge to start.

So I’ll do the pull-up/push-up thing in the morning and gym at night. I don’t need no witnesses of me trying to do a pull-up :joy:

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Sunday was an off day, emotionally and physically. My ankle was hurting, weather was crap, I was tired. You’ll have those days.

Yesterday I did my push-ups and tried a new spin class. It was so-so, but it’s local and cheap, so an okay substitute. Strength training is on the agenda for tonight.


I did in fact get my push ups done and had a session with my trainer this evening. I have a first appointment at the Sports Medicine clinic in the morning - I need assessment on numbness in the right foot directly correlating to number of miles run, and my long term Achilles injury on the left is kicking up again.

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Sports medicine consult this morning. Knees and hips look great! So now onto the spine institute to check on back problems. The damn pain is coming from someplace! Between that and traveling, no training today. I’ll be up early for a treadmill session at the hotel.

Thursday 7 November I thought today might be a list training day. I let my opportunity to do my push-ups slip, and I did not do the treadmill session. But I ate healthy, didn’t drink, and went to a yin yoga session tonight. And so it goes.


Just catching up. Rough week. 6am to 8 or 9pm all week. Charity thing today and just got home. I’ve got a week’s worth of catching up on here then off to bed :crazy_face:

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I can relate, early morning today, until 5:30. Now I’ve got 4 hours drive home. I’ve stopped to refuel body, soul, and the vehicle.


Yes, I sure have. It’s a life long problem. I have electrolytes in all my drinks and I drink a lot. Dehydration was ruled out long ago. I also get vitamin/mineral/hydration IVs on a regular basis and have cramped after on the same day. I’ve been in a lightly cramped state since the episode, but manageable. It causes my balance to be a bit wonky, but I’ll take this over 2-4 of excruciating pain any day lol.

Once I get some good insurance again, I might start back up with doctors. After they started sticking electrode needles in my muscles I needed a break drone being a guinea pig :joy:

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I did a 4 mile run yesterday, temperature was perfect, about 30° F. I’m looking to swim today.

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You are tough!! 30 degrees would kill me lol. Way to go.

Yup, been taking those for years :).
It’s nerve related, but that’s all we know.

I’m hoping to get myself together between work and this dud body of mine to start training. I’m starting to panic. From zero to spartan is scary. I have until April, but I already feel behind schedule.

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