Anyone enjoy sewing here? Keeps me leveled and mentally regulated. I absolutely love doing it. I passionately love fabric too.
I bought a sewing machine last year and have been learning and messing around with some stuff. I made my first quilt recently and finished just in time for it to be mailed off as a birthday present for my nephew.
Love the colours!
I’ve thought about getting into sewing. I’ve never taken the time to see what I could do. I’ve recently got into crocheting. Sewing might be my next go to hobby
That’s beautiful! I definitely want to try making one this winter
Wow amazing. That is freaking awesome
Sewing is amazing
I pull so much revenue from it as a hobby…marketing is HUGE.
I would love to learn how to do quilts
What do you sew?
Lots of great stuff on this thread
[Crocheters, Knitters, Crafters, and the like]
Oh gosh a lot. I sew mainly do masks but started doing bandanas for dogs as I absolutely love them on Sully. I branched out from there. Customers love matching with their dogs especially their services dogs.
Thank you
I enjoy it. It brings me intense satisfaction. Getting paid for items is just the bomb!
My youngest loves knitting. They made me these yesterday for Christmas since she got yarn as a gift!
I’ve been quilting for a few years…I call this my quarantine quilt because I was so bored I made it two sided lol.
I love sewing. I’m native American so I sew traditional outfits and skirts sometimes. Found its relaxing. Along with beading, leather, and adult coloring books. Hahaha new hobbies I’ve picked up.
Very cute!!!
@Sober_Ninja. I can’t believe that is your first quilt!
@LovelyLya Thanks for this thread.
I’m on my second covid quilt. I bought a Janome Sit Down long arm second hand. It is a beast and way above my ability level. But I’m really enjoying the challenge of learning to quilt cool patterns and designs. I’m not good enough to finish the second quilt top I made during the quarantine. So, I’m just doing pet beds for local shelter. Soon, very soon, I’ll get there. The time goes by so quickly when I’m sewing.