Anyone had cupping massage?

Has anyone on here ever had cupping I had it done today and want to know what I’m in for over night massage lady reckons I’m gonna wake up stiff honestly looks like my back is covered in ring worm looks terrible


Sure, I have had cupping a few times over the years. It does look strange, doesn’t it? :woman_shrugging: I have never had any side effects from it. It seems pretty benign to me, just a nice add on that moves blood around. I prefer a hot stone massage…a good practioner can really make those stones relax and dig in. :blush:


I have done cupping many times now. Always leaves a nasty mark that can last from a day to a week. My back and stomach were not so painful but my legs hurt like crazy. I had trouble walking the next day. It got easier the more i did it. Just depends on how much stagnation you have and the cupping tools they use.

I was super scared to try it but am very grateful that i did. Hope your experience is a pleasant one.


Feels a bit better this morning could hardly mover last night spent the night going from the bed with a heat pack to a hot bath don’t think I’ll be getting done again just stick with acupuncture (pardon the pun) and remedial massage from now on hhaha


oh i’m sorry friend. Hope you are feeling much better today.
Yes acupuncture and acupressure are great as well.