Anyone here for marijuana?

Hi all! Wanted to get a conversation going for anyone who may be detoxing from marijuana. I know it can be seen as a “lesser” DOC. I was a heavy user and have quit a few times before and always think I can manage it. Each time the withdrawal process is so hard. I know that after this time, I can never go back. I’m currently experiencing a complete loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, and cravings. I’m on day 8!!!


Congrats on day 8! The first week is tough. I kicked weed along with alcohol. Its possible


I quit smoking weed together with smoking tobacco, so I don’t exactly know what was the worse detox and withdrawal from the two. It was rather brutal though. I don’t believe weed is any ‘lesser’ than other drugs btw. Most certainly not in connection with withdrawal and detoxing. There’s no medication to help for one thing. We just have to get through it. Which you are! You are almost through the hardest bit now friend. Keep going. Getting help from your peers is a great tool. Glad to have you aboard! Wishing you all success.


Thank you! The emotional dependence is the hardest part of quitting for me. I am proud of myself today for getting on the treadmill when the cravings were strong.

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Hi! Congratulations on 8 days. I’m looking forward to seeing you around and following your journey. My nephew smokes a lot of marijuana and I was only talking to him the other day about him stoping. He wants to but doesn’t know what to do or how it will go…. You are an inspiration, please keep us updated. I’m glad you’re here with us. We are stronger together! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Hell yeah. Way to take constructive action

Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate all of the support this app brings and knowing I’m not alone.

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Hi welcome no lesser doc all trigger our dopamine receiver so all hard to break whatever your addiction is, i found that out while giving up alcohol i started gambling for same response now 55 days clean from both understanding the link between addiction and brain activity really helped. if u get a chance try read Dopamine nation by Dr anna lembke she has also done few podcast apperances which u can find on youtube good luck :muscle::grinning: