Anyone here live in Bend, Oregon?

Hello! My husband and I are hoping to relocate to Bend and are coming this weekend to look at houses. Anyone live up there who would be willing to give me advice? What’s the AA situation there, are there any in person meetings or is it all still online? I’m working on my 90 in 90 so I wanna stay on track and would love the opportunity to meet others in the program!

Please do not respond if your answer is “don’t come here”. I understand the impulse to want to keep people from overcrowding your beloved area, but we have to move (the town we currently live in is extremely bigoted and we have been “outed” as liberals who support human rights. Our lives are literally in danger here so we have to go somewhere else).


I don’t know Bend. But your reasons for leaving where u live sound terrible. I’m so sorry your going through that. I feel like a blue dot in AZ. Wifey and I hoping to change that. Good luck :pray::heart:

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well the last active blockbuster in the world is there, and i just saw that for a limited time it will be available on airbnb.

if nobody responds on here you could just call the bend area aa hotline and ask all the questions you want regarding meetings. i do the phones in my area, we have a list of groups which are officially meeting in person again (masks/outdoors/distanced), but i know there are also a lot of “unofficial” meetings taking place in peoples backyards and such. i’m sure the situation is similar out there. you could also hop on zooms from the area and ask away there too. :slight_smile:


Yep, I already have some Zoom info so I’ll hit those up if I can’t find in-person meetings. But yes, I’ll definitely call that number and ask what’s up!

Great work on the 90 in 90.
I wouldn’t have made it through those early days if I didn’t have that meeting every day

Thank goddess for zoom. I was exposed to Covid and had to isolate for 2 weeks. Fortunately I ended up being negative, but it would have been really rough without those Zoom meetings.

I don’t live in Bend, I live in Portland. You may be able to find some in person meetings but for the most part the covid restrictions are still pretty strict in Oregon. It just depends on what phase that county is in and if the cases are increasing too quickly then the governor has been moving some places back to phase one. Either way welcome to the state! :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! How do you like Portland? We’re also thinking about that area but my husband isn’t sure he can handle all the rain :cloud_with_rain:

Portland is great but it’s definitely way more crowded, expensive and rainy than Bend. One thing I will say though since you mentioned politics in your reason for moving… I’m not sure how familiar you are with the state but it’s actually very red outside of the couple liberal bubbles (those being Portland, Eugene, Ashland and to some extent Astoria and Bend).

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I looked up the election results for 2016 and, while it was more red than I had anticipated, it’s still leaps and bounds better than where I currently live. My husband isn’t as into city living as I am, so I’m hoping Bend will be a good blend of the things I love ( funky shops, good food, at least somewhat liberal) and what he wants (nature, outdoor activities, a bit of land).

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It sounds like Bend would be a perfect spot for you!!

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