Anyone interested in making a book club?

I use reading of all types to replace my harmful addictions. I was always a big reader but am amazed at how little I was reading while I was drinking these last few years. I was either too worried about the next drink, passing out, or forgetting what I had read the day / hour before. Since going into therapy and being sober 10 months, I am back to do something I truly enjoy. The library, inter-library loan, and kindle are my new sober best friends. I read news and popular novels when I want easy bite-size distractions from cravings or triggers, I read literary novels, science fiction, and thrillers to pass the time, I read history or science or classics when I want to concentrate or preparing to sleep. I read short stories when I have little gaps of time between stressors. I read self-help one a day to keep my sobriety on track. My active pile has Joe R. Lansdale, Octavia Butler, King Leopoldā€™s Ghost, 2020 The Best American Scince Fiction and Fantasy Short Stories, The Abundance Project, and Susan Eldrich ā€¦ does anyone else here use reading as a tool for sobriety?


I love the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I am trying my best too!

That should engage and distract you from cravings and triggers for a good amount of time!

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What volume are you on? Are you watching the show? If so, How do they compare and which do you prefer?

Iā€™m on the latest book, Go Tell the Bres That I am Gone." I love both the books and the show. The show has taken some different paths, but it would be impossible to cover all the details of the huge books!

Iā€™m such a fan, Iā€™m dragging my husband to Scotland for our 34th wedding anniversary - where he will no doubt sample whisky while I test out the NA beers.

Knocked off two Joe R Lansdale books (which are always page turners) - The Thicket and Fender Lizards. Next up More Better Deals. No cravings triggers or stressors!

Completed Joe R. Lansdale More Better Deals and Moon Lake. These were pretty good - his writing improves, the plots getter tighter, and his dialogue is always amusing. The metaphors are great word salads I always appreciate.
Watched Cold in July which was not bad and while it was pretty gritty it could have been worse. Enjoyed seeing most of his tropes on the screen. Planning to watch some Hap and Leonard to see how the small screen compared to the short stories and novels of which Iā€™ve read most.
Completed Octavia Butlerā€™s Kindred and Survivor - I am really enjoying and am tackling the statements on the feminist condition with relish.
Next up is Lansdale again- All the Earth Thrown to the Sky
What are you all reading now and would you recommend and why?

I would love too. Iā€™ve always wanted to be apart of a book club.

I like John Grisham. Iā€™m listening to an audio book right now - The Guardian.