Anyone looking to chat?

Hey two months sober, new girl here… looking for friends and supprt :slight_smile:


I’m at work so can’t really chat but thought I’d give you a big HELLO AND WELCOME, shocked you’ve not had a reply in 20 minutes but don’t be put off they are a great bunch here so check out some different threads and conversations. Take what you need leave what you don’t.
I wish you well on your sober journey.


thanks, i relapsed today :frowning:

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That’s rough maybe don’t start a text with 2 months sober, I’m not trying to sound patronising. Day 0 need help, hell we’ve all been there. Have you got any support around you.


BTW I may suddenly disappear to go and do my job nothing personal

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thats okay … :slight_smile: yeah going to a meeting today…


Nice I tried everything and those meetings are the only thing that worked. I think we get to a point where we willing to try anything


OK short and sweet back to work. You take care and take it easy, one day at a time.

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Welcome Leah :blush:
Sorry to hear about your relapse. But it’s good that you’re trying again :blush:

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thanks :slight_smile: i can only try :slight_smile:

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yeah i have to :slight_smile:

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Hey there!
I’m 3 days sober myself and signed on to this thing to hopefully meet like minded people and stay strong through this process of reclaiming MY LIFE. Do you find it easy staying sober, or do you find yourself having moments of anxiety?

No, I thankfully do not feel anxiety or such experiences being sober, what about you?

3 days is a good start… :slight_smile: what are u addicted to? I am more of a binger… you?

I’m new here too. I am hoping to find friends to chat with who are on a similar path. It’s so difficult finding people who don’t drink. Which in turn makes it a lonely journey. How’re your last few days treating you? :purple_heart: :sparkling_heart:

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a bit crap haha the come down haha

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I’m available in a couple hours.

Oof that’s the worst. Do you have any hobbies that help distract you?

Hope the meeting helped. I don’t go to so many these days, but I was a regular for a while. It helped me feel less weird and lonely.

I do, have only just started in engaging in them…

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