Anyone on Vivitrol?

So im coming up due for my 2nd vivitrol shot this week. Ive noticed today especially, 3 days before my shot, and 44 days sober from meth, that i am having seriously intense cravings to get fucked up period. Im just having a really hard time mentally getting thru it. I have my boyfriend who is a wonderful support system to help me thru it, however he is in early recovery as well. I know that if i use, i am going to go back to prison. I e spent 13 yrs of my life locked up due to probation violations and just recently completed my 1st treatment center. Im now in a stepdown house, and its great but today for some reason i just really want to use… Any advice? Does anyone else take vivitrol and is this normal? I was taking welbutrin with the vivitrol to help with the meth cravings and now that im out of welbutrin, idk if thata contributing to the cravings… Help me out here…

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You can’t quit Wellbutrin cold turkey. I would be more concerned with that. I took naltrexone tablets, not the shot, and I think they helped. Definitely get back to your doctor about the Wellbutrin.


I was on Vivitrol for like 6 or 7 months. My provider had me coming in every 30 days. Generally around day 25 the effectiveness begins to wane, which could account for the cravings. However, it is primarily used for alcohol and opiates cravings though. It is also effective blocker against getting high from opiates. I’ve not heard much about its efficacy for meth though.


What other tools can you pull out of your sobriety toolbox to get you through until your next shot? Coming here is a great one but I would pull them all out at times like this. How about meetings? A nice brisk walk? Good meal? Journaling?


I actually just did a zoom meeting… Didnt share but it was good to get in and listen to some ppl in recovery, to remind myself its possible.

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That’s great! Very often, I get more from listening than I do from sharing. Keep using those tools and you’ll get through these cravings. I’m really proud of you for coming here and being honest about how you’re feeling.

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Thank you. Its really tough for me to admit it because i want to seem like im tough and getting thru it but its too much for me to hold in and deal with alone. On top of feeling like crap with this respiratory infection. My boyfriends being very supportive but hes dealing with his own battle in early sobriety.

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Don’t ever feel like you have to do this alone, we’re stronger together. I hope you feel better soon.

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Thank you so much lisa. Im really struggling with asking for a sponsor. Im scared to speak up in a meeting.

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I can relate, asking for a sponsor is very scary. It’s almost like asking someone on a date for me. Having to put myself out there and the fear of rejection. It took me months of going to meetings and getting to know people. You’ll know when you’re ready, in the meantime you got all of us.

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I have a couple folks where I work taking the oral 50mg dose daily the last week until it’s time for their next injection. Both of them had similar problems at about day 23-25. Feel better, you’re doing great!

Thanks Lisa. You’ve been an awesome help. And i appreciate greatly.

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