Anyone struggling with morphine addiction?

Does anyone have any tips on how to help with withdrawal symptoms for opiates?
Didn’t realize I had a problem until I wanted to stop and tried to get off and almost felt like I had the flu, just wondering if anyone has any tips beside going to see a doctor that I could do to help with that first bit of withdrawals



That’s tough. Which withdrawal symptoms are bothering you the most? Warm baths or compresses are good for aching muscles. Turmeric tea is a natural anti-inflammatory, that might help too. Nausea might be helped with peppermint tea. Loratadine is over the counter and could help dry up any congestion you might have. Drink a lot of water, opiate withdrawals are very dehydrating and make all those symptoms worse.


Thats amazing, thank you for taking the time to reply.
You nailed pretty much all the withdrawals I get. One of the worst ones just because I work 2 jobs plus school, is the sluggishness, I feel like I weigh 500 pounds. It takes so much effort just to move plus just feeling like I have a very bad cold so its hard to get through the day like I would normally. I just feel like I can’t accomplish anything as well as I could on dro. I’m definitely going to try out all those things, im definitely stopping and just going to deal but I’m sure so of those will help ease it until they subside, I hear it takes 3-7days to feel somewhat better so just got to make it that far.


Give it 7 days! You will be sluggish for sure… But it’s totally worth it. Insomnia will eventually go away too. Stay strong my friend

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Well you definitely have a more positive attitude about it than I did. Lol. I don’t want to freak you out, so I’ll just say that because I was on opiates for so long and my metabolism was so impaired, it took a really long time for my body to recover. The withdrawals were crazy painful.

Seriously though, your attitude is actually amazingly good. :slight_smile: I’m sure you can do this. Oh, @DylanL reminded me - melatonin or 5-htp helped with my insomnia a lot if you’re having trouble with that too.


Melatonin keeps me up all night! 5-htp helped me a lot!

Water and distraction good on you get it done I felt better 3-4weeks I wouldn’t look back now 171days today!


Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me… I’m a little dubious of melatonin myself, as it lost its efficacy forme after a while. But everyone’s body chemistry is different :woman_shrugging: 5-htp helped me more too.

Hey Now…been there done that. Hot showers/baths help. Staying active helps the most imho. The sleep issues are what messed with me the most. Each day you don’t use you will feel a little better.


I seriously appreciate the replys so much, it’s nice to know people understand. It’s been my secret from everyone for so long. I’m definitely trying to stay as positive as possible lol BC I know it would last too long. I’m just scared nothing will feel as good as everything does when I’m on it. Like I won’t get a good workout in or recovery as fast, be able to hold a good conversation for so long and the confidence I have will disappear. I know I can sustain this anymore, the money alone kills me to see how much I waste. I’m going to try all of those, never heard of 5-htp, do you get it at like a drug store??


Cold turkey m8 they say it’s not good but just ride it out cleanse the body

Yeah I was thinking of tapering to help with the withdrawals but idk how well that would go

A tried weaning off didn’t work for me cold turkey did and the experience a won’t forget and it’s put me off using again


You can find 5-htp in the nutritional supplements section, I got mine at Walgreens but I bet Wal-Mart and places like that have it too.

Tapering never really worked for me. It’s too hard, and it doesn’t really decrease the severity of the withdrawals.

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Sorry bro it’s some bullshit but it will end and you will feel good again. I’m just starting day 3 off something very similar so definitely can relate. How long have you been using on the daily? And do you know amount? If possible just quit tapering just prolongs the withdrawal anyway. Also if you will be seeing a doctor get a few benzodiazpines like ativan or klonopin it keep your anxiety way down and probably put you to sleep for little bit. Remember these can also be addictive but won’t have any issues if given enough for a few days at least. They will truly help if a possibility.

Using for about a year on and off, everyday use probably for 5-6months. About 30-48mg of hydros to answer your question and okay perfect ya melatonin never really worked for me so I’m going to pick some up tomorrow to help get myself to sleep.
Ya I figured tapering is just prolonging, guess it’s more of a security blanket to keep in lol

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Good thing is you have not been using for many years like myself plus your daily intake isn’t super high. Withdrawal will happen but I really don’t think the intensity will be to bad. Still not fun but tolerable. Again if going to see doctor about help quitting the benzodiazpines will work magic on your withdrawal especially if have no tolerance and doctor will prescribe. Take multi vitamin and fish oil as well as stay hydrated. Bro I truly believe you got this. Have you had withdrawal at all yet?

I have experience with opiates,my advice would be ,drink plenty of water,keep my bed time the same each night and mornin even with the insomnia,take a light painkiller paracetamol,don’t sleep in the day,get fresh air daily even if just in garden,and most importantly have someone to share your struggles with this too shall pass.xx

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Yeah I don’t think it will be nearly as bad as what some people get, which I’m thankful. Today is day one, I tried to quit a couple days ago got to day two, but with work/school/fitness it was too much going on, that to feel sick I couldn’t do it. But I took a couple days off minus some gym projects I have. So I’m just going to ride it out until life starts again Thursday hopefully by then I find my groove and find what will help get me through the day at the same level as I usually work at.

Yeah sleep I’m pretty strict on, so I’m going to keep my same sleep pattern, take the stuff you guys suggested and just pretend I have a little cold LOL


How you getting on buddy just checking in.

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