Anyone wanna have a conversation about alcohol and break up? Be Sobriety accountability friends?

Anyone wanna be Sobriety accountability friends and help each other quit and share struggles?

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Yes Asifity absolutely…

Where can we chat on?

WhatsApp or here , I struggle a bit with technology so I’m still navigating this app . I’m pleased you asked as I’ve had to give up all friends who have no accountability and its kinda left me feeling friendless :smirk:

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Sure we can be friends, u can share your Whatsapp, will text u

Let’s just be careful sharing our personal numbers to strangers on the internet

Why don’t you post a bit on here first to build a rapport with people then once you know people a bit better then share numbers

Emotions are all over the place in early sobriety- I felt posting here when I was early on was more than sufficient

I now have peoples numbers, people on Instagram, people on Strava etc….

But only when I knew them a bit better :grinning:


I was about to say something similar and that they just have this thread to themselves or start a private thread


Being sober has made me realize that my relationship was not working. I feel like a different person! It’s kind of great.

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Yep very common- you think alcohol or drugs is the problem.

You then realise it was just the relationship all along :grinning:

Yeah! I am good friends with my ex now but I realize that in order to enjoy our time together I had to be drunk. And that’s not good!

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Yep! Just remember sobriety first before any new relationships :v:

I am enjoying being single. Focused on me and kiddo!

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As pointed out by others (thank you!), please be cautious about sharing personal information and contact information with people you just met on the internet / this app.

Conversations can be had on threads or in private messages here.

Early sobriety is a vulnerable time and we want all members to feel safe and supported within this community. :people_hugging::heart:


Thanks for that im taking your advice . I think some of us need to be able to pm people as these first days are obviously tough

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Very very tough - definitely in the early days

I’d advise PMs with the same gender though
Just so it’s about sobriety and lines aren’t blurred.

Wish you all the best! :v:

Keep posting! Looking forward to hearing your story


Thank s im trying to figure out this forum , I think I’ve figured out how to pm