Anyone with any motivational quirks?

I like to read, write some short stories and sometimes I write little reminders to myself on why I got sober. Does anyone do anything to take their mind off drinking? Or to help you stay sober?

I go to AA meetings!

You want to hear some of the greatest drunk stories ever… find some meetings!!

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listen to music, read, take a walk, doodle, journal, call up a friend, play an instrument, watch a documentary, meditate, word game app on phone, put a puzzle together, watch a show, collage, browse reddit, go to a museum, play a sport, board games. over the past year i often consider how i’ll finish the coffee table i’ve started or the night stands i’ve started though i don’t know if i’ll ever actually get around to it. i think they may stay at 5% complete for a good decade. lots of activities help me enjoy life daily and those things help keep me sober as well.

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Oh I do go to meetings! I think they’re the best thing! I never feel alone! Which sometimes I felt like I was one of the only people who had this problem!

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Weight lifting, trail running, mountain biking and rock climbing. All of them take a certain degree of mental focus in addition to physical exertion and require a mind body connection that I feel makes me healthy, reduces cravings, gives me a beneficial endorphin “high” and keeps my brain occupied.


Lol. I go sometimes twice a day.
They are everywhere in my area. Pretty easy to hit one, anytime you have time to spare.
Even if one is a dud, I can check email and surf the forums, etc.

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I downloaded scrabble and a workout app on to my phone so that if I feel bored or isolated I can have something to do. Thanks so much for your feedback! Sometimes I feel like I run out of ideas

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I have kids and a job … once I got sober and remembered these obligations I apparently have and are responsible for, its what I do. Hobbies , alone time, dope and alcohol out … responsible shit in

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