App Question advice

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question. I am new here. When I try to post it says that title has been used already. Just confused as to why I can’t do a simple title. Like Day 3 etc. Thanks.

Thank You.

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Didn’t you just make a post/title I’m confused. I’ve been using this app for about 3 or 4 years. So, I’m not sure about the process anymore. I know depending on your time on the app some things are restricted for new users. As you spend more time on the app your trust level goes up, and additional features are unlocked. That’s how it use to be anyhow.

Hi. On my first post I titled it “First Post” but it said that title has been used already. So I had to title it “My very first post”. Since I am new and never posted before, how can it say that title has been used already? Just confusing to me. Thank you for your reply.

Hello and welcome! It could be that someone else titled their post exactly the same as what you tried to put as a title and the forum might not allow that. It’s good to personalize titles so that we can see it is a new person joining/posting for the first time! I don’t know for sure, but I hope that helps.

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There are probably thousands of topics in here and the system won’t double up on titles.
I’d say for search protocol. Imagine someone putting a search in for Day one and getting hundreds of topics come up.

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Hi there!! It means the title has already been used. Each thread needs a unique title. Hope this explains it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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