Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict?

A few last thoughts on this and a musing on addicted vs. recovery thoughts.
My husband came home angry and drunk. Both wouldn’t have happened without alcohol and both stemmed from a situation at work where he felt taken advantage of. When I asked why he didn’t confront the person who was taking advantage of him he didn’t have an answer. And that seems to me the crucial difference.

When I drank I didn’t give a f@ck. Too hot, deal with it; hate your job, too bad. Now as someone who is actively trying to recover I can feel my own efficacy. If something sucks in my life it is my job to change it, not to wallow. My husband spent 10+ hours angry without ever confronting the source of his anger. No wonder he brought it home.

His is still a little surly today so after a quick chat I will just let him be. No apology yet but it is coming. It better be. He was angry last night which is unusual and walked around for an hour or two muttering drunkenly. Drunken mutterings remind me of an ex who I broke up with for, his drunken mutterings. Also he was a dick but drunken mutterings take me right back there. They feel unhinged and dangerous.

Since we are chatting here I went to dinner last night with some of my oldest friends and as it does with a newly (me-2.5 years is still new) sober person talk often turned to substances. My friend’s husband is the original good time guy. Generous with his time and his laughs, they have hosted many parties over the years. Last night I got to tell him the part he played in my sobriety. He quit drinking for a month or two four years back (he is back to drinking now) and that was the first time I had seen sobriety in action. I’ve been reading quit lit since I was 16 because I’ve always known there is a switch in me that “normal” folks don’t have but I had never thought it would be an option to just not drink. His quit planted a seed.

This is why we talk about recovery.

Have a pretty good day out there all. I will. My husband’s pain and shame and apathy is his own. We can talk it out but I won’t take it from him. Alcohol sucks. 🩷


Unfortunately, yes.

I recently (29 days ago, but who’s counting? :crazy_face:) had to part ways with my lady friend who relapsed.

It’s heartbreaking because:

  • I don’t want her to die,
  • She’s lived recovery but, I guess, still needs to find that gift of desperation, &
  • I feel so incomplete without her in my life (but I cannot & will not risk my life).

She knows I’m here for her and that she can reach out, if she’s willing to get back on The Path.

It’s exceedingly difficult to just “let go” and not worry about her, frequently. :man_shrugging:t3:


Sorry Lance.
Glad you posted.
It’s so hard watching a loved one do that to themselves. I know I’m powerless over alcohol. I cannot. Will not take that first drink. But I’m also learning I’m powerless over people, places, and things. It is hard to let go.
There’s lots of people in Al-Anon working a double program. It gives me hope just to show up sometimes. Hope in myself. And to know I’m not alone.
I hope she finds her way back to a clean life.


That’s my insanity: I know I’m powerless over people, places & things and that future-trippin’ is pointless; however. . .

I hate empathy & compassion, sometimes (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Meh, this, too, shall pass.


Husband came home drunk, from work, again. I removed myself from his presence mostly because (honestly) I am disgusted and annoyed. I think I will add this to this thread to track how often this happens. I can’t change him. Sober he is a sweet prince. Drunk he annoys the fuck out of me.
At least it is the very best reminder for me of why alcohol sucks so much. Good night and thanks always for the space. Fucking serenity now as he mutters and pops his head in to tell me how much he loves me. Say it sober or shut the f up. Sorry for the swears. I wasn’t feeling very ladylike.


I just scrolled up to see that my last annoyed post was 6 days ago. :grimacing::roll_eyes:


It fucking sucks Emilie. Sorry you’re going through this. Have you been to an Al-Anon meeting?


Tracking it by posting here sounds like a good idea. I did the same.
Oh dear, a sober “love you” is so different from a drunk one, I hear you. Be happy with your sweet prince when he is sober :sunflower:

And swear away, not being or feeling ladylike can be very freeing :blush:


I have not yet Daze. I went to one AA meeting before I set my sober intention and the format freaked me out. I’m glad I have that option in my back pocket though.


Sweet prince is probably a bit of a stretch, I think I was still trying not to complain. This expressing emotions takes practice. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


We all need to see our partner sometimes as our knight in shining armour even if he/she is only an ordinary human with flaws we love. Give yourself and him a smile for the sweet price picture, it’s lovely :blush: You both deserve a nice moment of illusion :wink:


He feels rotten today and might have shed some tears over last night.
Last night was the worst I have seen him, thanks progressive disease. It reminded me of the night I broke up with my previous boyfriend and I told my husband that.
Too many drinks is one thing but drunken mutterings that sound angry and unhinged make me feel unsafe. Feeling unsafe in my own house is not something I can tolerate. Onward.


I’m sorry love. Definitely not something you should have to tolerate and you should be able to feel safe in your own home. Hope that your hubby will hear your concerns. Alcohol is such an ugly disease.
Big hugs friend- glad you are tracking and documenting the instances (i sincerely hope they are less frequent in the future).:hugs:


Sigh, no, when you feel unsafe it’s definitely a red flag. A flashing red flag. I’m so sorry it takes this turn, fuck progression. I do hope he takes your concerns serious. And listens carefully.

I wish my ex did. Fucking ignorant. I still want to shake him for his fucking silent treatment and drunken ignorance. Sometimes. Most times I’m grateful his destructive, negative energy and attitude left my life. Allthough I still miss the man he was and whom I loved.
Sorry, didn’t want to derail your posting. I’m just a hopeless romantic wishing everyone a happy end to this drug-induced troubles and hurts. I’m still hurt and frustrated that the ex never cared and worked shit on anything that would have bettered our relationship. It’s 2 years since I moved to my townhouse and he stayed at the farm. I vividly remember that he was drunken every time I came to fetch my stuff. I coulde see and smell it. It made me angry to furious, I felt so helpless, ignored and abandoned. I’m glad those times and feelings are well behind me :pray:
Wow, this post took some turns. Had to get this off my chest. I feel vulnerable today and a bit lonely but very very grateful that my life is peaceful and I don’t have to deal with my ex anymore. I would love the good, nice, lovely times but they long ago stopped outweigh the drinking, his drunken behaviour, the straining ups and downs, his loveless non-communication and my desperate longing to feel cared and loved. No more drama Lama :pray: I was the drama, he was the turtle in his shell :see_no_evil::face_with_spiral_eyes:
I need something to eat. Reflecting on mutual past always makes me hungry.
Thanks for letting me vent :pray::people_hugging:


Nice read !! Much to ponder. I think I am a hopeless romantic too. Right now the good does outweigh the bad times. It is hard to condemn someone when they are clueless and have no reason to change what they have done 68 years. Communication is always a good place for nudging that he is a moron. Just had to voice that after reading your post. Have a great day!


No need to apologize for this, it was honest and beautiful. I’m happy you are drama free these days and happy with your choice. Sobriety does get lonely but that is what this space is for.
Relationships are tough sober but drinking adds an extra layer of ick to them. I’m grateful I am sober today and that we have this space to hash it out and validate each other. Sending big hugs for you and the kitties today. 🩷🩷


So very true. I feel for you and I’m sending you a hug.


Aww thanks.
Its tough to know that 80% of his problems go away if he quits drinking but he doesn’t quit.
I bought a sleep mask that covers my ears. At least I can get my sleep.
Hugs back.


Thanks. I appreciate the hug. In four more days I’ll have reached my one year milestone, and meanwhile my husband is deeper into his addictions to alcohol and weed. It sucks.


Well I am back to update on my situation and to talk about it because I am just in so much pain over it all right now that I need to let it out somewhere.

My partner and I just recently broke up. It was probably more my decision than his. We were together 5 years which is the longest I have ever been with anybody so our lives became very meshed with each other.

We never lived together, but we did only live 4 doors down from each other until a few months ago when I moved about 10 minutes north.

I will be 3 years sober in September, which is a milestone I am very much looking forward to.

At the beginning of our relationship, we were both going through divorces. So the beginning of our relationship was us connecting over that and we spent a lot of time going out drinking together, obviously not coping in healthy ways with life changes.

My partner was a heavier drinker than I was, which caused me to become an even heavier drinker. I started to notice that about myself, and when I really started tracking it on here realized what a problem it was becoming. So I quit cold turkey.

That being said, the first part of our relationship, we were both drinking. This latter part of our relationship, I have been sober. Because of that, I have really opened my eyes more to how heavy of a drinker he is, which has been hard to watch.

It has also been heartbreaking because I think about a lot of the things he said to me in the beginning of the relationship and they all feel superficial now. At the start, I was actually sober coming out of my divorce so when he was texting me and calling me all of the time saying all of these sweet things, it felt very genuine (especially coming out of a very physically/emotionally/sexually abusive marriage).

The past few months of the relationship have been pretty rough. I have been dealing with a lot of grief issues from losing my dad unexpectedly less than a year ago, and I realize that has caused me to have a higher emotional need/void that needs to be filled.

With my partner’s alcoholism, he hasn’t been able to fill that void because he is too often disconnected from the space in reality that can really offer the emotional type of support I need.

It all really came to a head when we went on a weekend getaway a couple of months ago. It was a trip I put together for him as a Christmas gift and an opportunity for us to get away and reconnect. However, he got too wasted and ended up with a pretty gnarly hangover that kept us from being able to do some of the things on the itinerary that were important to me. The biggest one being a hike.

When we came back from that trip, there were some other things that happened that really got me messed up.

There was a soon to be divorced mom that kind of entered the picture. He got her drunk at his house on night, took her home to her husband when she got sick from drinking, called to “check on her” after finding out she was getting divorced, added her on Facebook (odd for him because he keeps his very private with only a little over 100 friends), etc.

Then he ended up dropping everything to fly across the country to help his buddy renovate his house… even though there were things at my house he has left unfinished for months that I have basically been begging him to help with.

I brought up a lot to him that had been bothering me and spoke a lot on his alcoholism getting in the way of our relationship and then he didn’t talk to me for 3 weeks.

When we finally talked again, he didn’t offer an apology at all. Instead, he made a lot of, “I can’t believe you would think that/feel that about me” statements.

Despite all of that, my love for him has been deep. I kept showing up for the relationship, coming over to his house to show Ioved and cared about him. Yet, he would continue to blatantly drink/smoke in front of me.

We hang out and are fine then things get weird for a few days then we hang out and are fine again.

The past few days, I have been preoccupied with family in town. We were fine and then he started giving me the silent treatment again yesterday.

Again, I showed up for the relationship and him at the neighborhood fireworks/cookout which is a big deal for him.

He didn’t say a word to me. He just drank the whole time and did everything he could to avoid me. He didn’t even say goodbye.

I am completely heartbroken and hurt. I feel so undervalued by him. I feel like alcohol just feeds his ego and validates his behavior in his mind.

I wrote him a very long text this morning. I am not confident I will get any kind of response.

I don’t know why I can’t just let him go. Part of me just feels like he is just sick and just needs to get the help and then he will be able to open up his eyes to see the deep love that I have had for him is there and deserving of him giving himself the gift of sobriety so he can have a better life.

I guess I just don’t really know the answer and know when it is really time to just let something go/