Articles about addiction worth reading

I live in Louisville, KY! Needless to say there were a lot of sober birthdays a week or so ago… :joy:


What I don’t understand is why phenyl is in the stuff? Is it intentional? What would be the motive?


It’s because it’s so cheap from labs in China. The drug dealers use it as an additive to cocaine, increasing volume which in turn makes them more money.


Regardless of them effectively killing off their markets/buyers? It’s hard for me to wrap my head around. So sad. Thanks, Lisa.


I know. It doesn’t make sense at all. This shit blows my mind.

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Right! Why weed? It sickens me! Those doing the lacing need harsher sentences when there’s an overdose, even when the user survives.

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This showed up in my morning news feed. It resonates with me: no big drama, just life as it happens. Compared sober vs drunk.


I found this an interesting article on sober weddings…including this comment that really nails it for me…

“People that use drinking as their primary social lubricant or hobby have a different perspective of the world that almost hinders them,” Dr. Lembke said, adding that “they only know a world in which people are using alcohol as a way to facilitate human connection.”

Sober or in Recovery? Here’s How to Plan a Dry Wedding. How to Plan a No Alcohol Wedding - The New York Times


Interesting stuff (pun intended)


I posted an article about a week ago about Portland. I will search it and get the link for it searching my own name


Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, the Maffia, they’re all the same. Keeping humanity addicted. No conscience. All for profit.


How an Addicted Brain Works > News > Yale Medicine.

I forgot this thread exists :pensive:
I posted it in my own thread too bc it’s really very interesting.


Unfortunately, the article is behind a paywall now.:confused:


Just read it too. Very interesting

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No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

If you’re struggling and thoughts are in your head about ‘treating yourself’ or ‘one won’t hurt’, you may want to give this a quick read (3 min) before you do…

It’s time to throw out the age old misconceptions that alcohol is ok in small amounts… Alcohol is a toxin…

I found this article(link above and below)on the World Health Organisation site and these findings were published to The Lancet Public Health…

No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

We need to get serious about how ingrained alcohol is in our society when it’s of zero benefit to anyone…

Peace, love and positive vibes always :raised_hands::sparkles::sparkling_heart:


Thanks for sharing. The alcohol lobby is still powerful. Here’s an example from France.

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Wow, thanks for sharing this. Goes to show the power that the alcohol lobby has to sway a government and it’s policies. It’s beyond belief :woman_facepalming:t2:

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Not an article, but a TED talk about stigma of sobriety and sober shaming.
I thought there was a thread for motivational videos, but I couldn’t find it. So it goes here for now.


Thank you for sharing. That was such a beautiful talk.

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