Articles about addiction worth reading

Interesting and thought provoking (at least I think so) article on the definition of addiction, and how that influences policies and possible treatments, and society in general. Quote: excessive phone use shouldn’t be called an addiction but instead something like “manufacturer-induced compulsive behavior"


I’m not a fan as I agree with the criticisms at the bottom of the article. Also see the comment section. Still interesting stuff.


To be honest this whole dopamine hype seems to me like one more version of oversimplifying the complexity of our human lives and needs, and blaming the individual for being human.
To me it somehow lacks compassion.


I debated posting this video. But this is my hometown, and “tranq,” has become a very serious problem. And if people don’t know what it is, unfortunately you’ll probably find out because its exploding and killing so many people. But maybe somebody will see it and think twice.

TRIGGER WARNING :warning::warning:. Drug use and graphic images.

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Yeah, I’ve seen more of this, bloody heartbreaking :cold_sweat: . I posted some on another thread too of a guy driving around Kensington Avenue. (taken down now). Why is it so bad in Philadelphia in particular? Or is it just coincidence there’s so much pictures from there?


The opioid epidemic exploded here in that neighborhood years ago, and basically since they couldn’t control it, they created an open air drug market where people can use and sell and police and the city would look the other way in an effort to at least contain it. But because of that people come to this area from all over, and then heroin, then fentanyl, and now this shit. They’ve been trying to stop it now for a few years, but now Its out of control

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I have to go around this area because of work at least a couple times a month, and yeah it basically hell on earth

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Giving a like isn’t the right reaction :cry:


Xylazine (Tranq) showing up regularly in the UK. Scary.


This article is actually from 2015, they had me fooled there. It is an interesting read though, at least I think so. Here’s a key quote: “(in the 1990’s) There seemed to be a shift from the term ‘disease’ as a rhetorical device to something that Americans believed literally. This simplifies dependence down to brain chemistry. In reality it is a complex cultural, social, psychological and biological phenomenon.” A contentious statement, I know.


God, this is awful… I have never seen a scene like this before. It’s extremely sad.

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Yeah it’s a nightmare. It’s so blown up though, basically all they can do now is try and keep it contained to that 3-4 block radius

It’s definitely an eye opener…

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