Astrology Natal Charts

This is all so interesting for me. I know in numerology I am a master number (11) and I am a pisces I don’t know much else! I will have to look into my birth chart tonight!


I totally feel him. Libra can see both sides of everything pretty clearly, add some pisces traits where you’ve got a strong intuition and the fear of making the wrong decision, and you’ve got a confused mess most of the time. :joy:
Yeah socially it’s a little complicated too. Pisces can usually go either way though, they adapt easily to their surroundings. But I have to admit that I prefer to be in my own mind most of the time. I enjoy being with people sometimes, but my social skills are equal to Sheldon Coopers in Big Bang Theory. (I you haven’t watched that series it means I suck on being social, and lack the skills for pointless polite small talk :joy:)


Easily explained sun sign is you, your core traits, which would be cancer.

Moon is your inner self and connected to emotional traits, that’s pisces.

Rising is your external self, the mask people sees when they meet you, the traits you show the world, which for you would be Capricorn traits.


What about numerology?

Someone I know suggested to me translating my birth chart with tarot card correspondence, because I’m much more familiar with tarot cards than astrology. I tried it today, and I think it is a nifty way to get another perspective on it.


If your interested in this kind of stuff you may be interested in birth cards. Have you ever looked up your birth card before? Or planetary ruling card? Possibly a good read when your bored… 🤷

I know the basics, for me it helps with astrology but I am not as into it as I am with astrology.

Cool I just know that all my numbers are 10…
6 / 4 /1973

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That is the site I use!:wink:


:joy::joy: I do enjoy some heavy metal when I feel angsty/overwhelmed, in my truck and yessss the single tear falling down the side of my face…

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It is, well at least my horoscope says that the sun goes into Taurus today.

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Ya pretty sure it starts today or tomorrow. Too much drama this past month lol

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Lmao, ya burnt to the ground


So you’re saying that things is about to calm down now? I could sure need that.

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We’ll see, but hopefully it should lol

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My daily horoscope says it’s time to be social. :blush:
But on your description it sounds like the Taurus energy is well needed here to. That way things actually will sort itself out eventually.


Yeah man fire season is coming back we set the world afire :sunglasses:

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that’s such an awesome way to see it.

I have a scorpio placement too (:sob::sob::sob: my moon) so I’m inspired @MissT lol you’re amazing

also kind of astounded by our astrological similarities

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When Scorpio is in such a strong placement like Sun, moon or rising it can really take over the chart. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and there are so many power plays involved it just dominates the chart, its taken many decades to have an understanding and what I call making peace with what I call my phoenix side. I am always dying little deaths burning in ashes having to start over and rise again. Ive used these energies of my own and those that I am drawn to and draw towards me as excuses to escape my realities or even my illusions numbing it with alcohol. When I decided to stop drinking and seriously take this journey seriously, I braced myself. I told myself I cant hide from the raw powers and energies I have nor the ones I am aware of and I cant hide anymore. I told myself “get ready, you have been drowning this stuff for years and now it will open up a flood” so far its been little waves at a time I can manage but my deep will come and it will be the first time in more than a decade I wont get to use my vice to get through it.

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