Attending AA

I attended AA for the first time today
Just to see what’s going on
Also had a drink Last week after 13 months so I thought it would be worth a look

And I am just shocked at how much I’ve been missing

There was a certain pride kind of
with being able to get sober with little support

But I have just been grinding emotionally for a year
I’ve been on honesty for 13 months ,

And I had no idea what the steps were I never thought to take a look

Things like have faith, get in touch with spirituality , and especially surrender

I have just been grinding with anxiety for over a year
I’m glad to have found this… And decide to give it a chance


Your world will open up

You were probably a dry drunk…

Doing the steps makes you better spiritually and a better person and sorts you out mentally.

Good luck and all the best :grinning:


Your journey begins beyond your wildest dreams . wish you well


It is exhausting to live this way.


You will be amazed before your half way through. Take a leap of faith and try a sponsor bc God, AA, the big book and meetings did not keep me sober but having the guidance of another alcoholic who knew everything I was feeling and telling me how to use it all has kept me sober and the obsession for alcohol has gone.


gives me a little warm feeling inside when people finally get it :hugs:


have you tried the womens online meetings in In The Rooms? you should look into them! :heart:

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:rofl: Agreed.

And I still do it. Just last month called my sponsor, feeling completely emotionally drained.

“So. What things are you back to trying to control that you never, ever will?” he asked, and was absolutely right.

Letting go can be a powerful thing.

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I knew I wasn’t like anyone else. I didn’t need a group or a program. If I wanted to quit drinking I could - but alcohol was part of me. It was part of who I am. I was smart, highly sensitive, fiercely independent, my brain didn’t work like other peoples’…I deserved to be able to drink! I wasn’t weak like people who needed a program…right?

I was terminally unique - and it almost killed me.

Surrendering…humbling myself and walking through the doors of the fellowship…asking for help…it was the best thing I have ever done. As it turns out, I wasn’t unique at all- and I was no longer alone.

You are no longer alone. When I let go, I slowly discovered a life worth living…friendships that matter…love that is unconditional…a power greater than myself.

I’m so glad you found the rooms.


That’s great news!