Auras Storytelling

Hello friends. My name is Aura. At least my that’s what my true friends call me.

This is my story

I have been a cutter for as long as I can remember. Through these last four months of being clean and my battle with mental health my whole life, I have come to the realization that I can’t expect others to love me if I don’t love myself first.

My battle with mental health has been hard, long, and tiresome. And along the way, I have met some good and some not so good people, and that’s okay. I have come to realize that it is okay that not everyone is going to like me. The only person that has to like me…… is me. And I’m working on doing that each and everyday.

If any of you are struggling with mental health I urge you, reach out. I’m here. This is an amazing platform to reach out and get help. Tell a friend or family member, someone you trust.


You’re super brave. I admire that. Thank you for sharing your story.

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