Awkward f’n awkward

In 2006 to 2007, I lived in Bordeaux, France studying in University there for 10 months. A crazy experience. I wasn’t a young university student either, I was almost 29 at the time, and I was lonely. You could say that I also studied wine there…I was a top student…drinking it all the time and secretly in my own in my room of course as all the other university students drank occasionally. Anyways, came home and started working in a private wine store while finishing university. Met a couple of really awesome ladies and we all had our first babies at the same time. So naturally our friendship continued with wine nights…bitching about motherhood etc etc…
I went out for the first time with those ladies to celebrate a birthday. I had nothing drink which I knew would happen and I was not worried about it all. But fucking awkward telling these ladies that I no longer drink. One of them kept hearing that it was temporary and would say overtop of me. Until I was like: no I am never drinking again. I can’t. Anyways, I know they will always be my friends and our relationship is bound to change…but it was fucking awkward…oh well …,it’s done now…


Good for you!

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I’ve mentioned to a few people I’m not drinking anymore for a while but haven’t let on that I intend on it being forever. Have said it is for fitness reasons (I do play sports and work out etc) so no one has really questioned it. Only my OH knows the real truth and is being super supportive, this website has also been mega inspiring to me x

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Proud of you! :facepunch:
For me it’s helping to tell others I do not drink anymore. It’s a extra wall between me and drinking so to say. If I should drink now I have a lot to explain to others :flushed:

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Eagles don’t flock. Crows do.

And what is a flock of Crows called?
A Murder.


Thanks! The eagle helps for sure. I thought of many things I could’ve said prior to going but then, when it came to, I just said it. The worse thing though is that I didn’t feel confident in my saying. Not as I had pictured it. Then, when I left, they stayed…I can only imagine what they talked about afterwards. AND, never did I hear, we support you or good for you…I won’t find it there. I will find it here and at meetings.