Back again 3 years later.. Help with opiates

So I used to be on this forum a lot… I was doing so well. But I’m back n this time it seems so much harder. Except now I messed up… I picked up opiates. Im beginning to hate myself for picking up another drug habit. I’ve been addicted to Percocet 30s (possibly fentanyl or heroin) for a year now… but that’s not all. Long story short… I can’t stop using daily. I’ve definitely cut down my dosage. I use to take 90 mg average some days 150mgs on a bad day but these passed couple of days I’ve been trying to sober up definitely hard with going thru physical withdrawal, I think I cry daily over this…
but now I only try to take 30mg (1 Percocet) or even less! For sure cut down by a lot. But the hardest part is waking up feeling like I’m going thru withdrawal. I just want to stop. But anyways, I HAVE A DRUG TEST IN A COUPLE DAYS WITH NO TIME TO CLEANSE MY SYSTEM… WHAT CAN I TAKE TO PASS. Please, I NEED A CHANCE! It’s court ordered :pensive: right when I decide I want to get clean, they hit me with this making it so much harder…
I don’t have the money for rehab so please don’t say that or “just don’t do it”… I heard “surgel” or water pills work? Does pickle juice help or CERTO? somebody help me… I can’t fail this test I have too much on the line I’m sorry!!


Welcome back Maria.
What worked for you before, to get clean ?

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If the tablets have been prescribed by your dr or a health professional, then simply you let them know it was prescribed and you used it.
Otherwise maybe admitting you have a problem to others and ask for help may be the right thing to do for your future.
Hope everything goes okay, i hope your okay.
If it was me in your situation id accept that i need help if i couldnt make it to be clean for a drug test, this would be a huge eye opener for me that everything is out of control and id get help, any help, cut my losses and if it means inpatient or outpatient id do it because addiction all it is - its a long road to keep losing everything around you, jobs, family, children and it wont stop until it takes your life, use this as a chance to ask for help. Your not a bad person, your just stuck and there is so much help out there please use it :hugs::purple_heart::purple_heart:



I suggest you admit to the court that you are an addict before your court date. That is addressing the root of your situation and will send you on a path of sobriety. I understand this admission will be difficult, but a quick-fix will send you in the wrong behavioral direction.

I’ve been exactly where you currently are in relation to your pending court date and my decision to be forthright proved helpful in many aspects @maria_benavides

Thinking of You.


To be honest : yes, you can.
For a start, just stop trying to control life and it’s outcomes for let’s face it - that is exactly what got you there.

That test is NOT your greatest concern. Addiction fucks up your life. Even if you would orcould pass that test, it would only be a temporary relief.

Getting clean is your #1 priority.
As suggested above, be honest and open oncourt. You have a problem and you need help.


If you stop now you might have a chance. If it is fentanyl the half life is pretty short so it might clear your system. Not sure where you live, but health insurance or Medicaid usually covers the cost of rehab. My state also has rehab that’s free for uninsured people as well.


Most the time percocet clears after 6 hours . (Which i know now of days they are pressing fentynal in pills now and this wont be the same)Which i probably shouldnt be telling you this but… Its been years but when i had drug court id take a 30 in the morning and go in later in the evening to piss. I swore i was getting canned and going to jail that weekend. Then when i went to see my counsler before my status hearing. She told me i passed. I was astonished! Dont dilute because that counts as a fail as well. keep working on stepping down your dose please dont take this as a way to get by. I did and continued a habit for 10 more years that got worse after. If you can get down to 15mg a day your withdrawls should begin to be bearable from what i remember. Just have to hunker down isolate and be a hermit. Any detox ive ever went through that was the only out is through it. Your gonna have to manage some discomfort. As we always have to pay a price when we use unfortunately. It sucks now but thats how it works. Just remember it gets better! Goodluck!


Thank you so much I feel like you were the only person with a realistic response. I haven’t used in a day do u know if the withdrawals will get better tomorrow? Right now it’s awful

To be honest, you’re probably gonna be sick for a few days, especially on the breaking off the habit cold.

Depending on your last use your chance to pass is dependent on what you took, and how much time as passed if your getting them on the street, well. It’s a big question

Like Englishd said, there is options, for free or low cost, being honest, might be an option not the best option but the truth may set you free

Have you ever failed a drug test for probation? The reason I ask is often if it’s your first failure, and your honest, you may get more restricted but they won’t violate you, of course this is subjective, not concrete

On the other hand, modern drug tests are triggered for manipulation, the cleanses, fake pee, all are found,

You mentioned water pills. Another no go, diuretics aka water pills dilute your urine; so they will know you have been flushing out your system if you don’t dehydrate your self until your hospitalized

Time is the enemy, and the friend, time is guaranteed to make you clean, but your in a pinch

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Unfortunately withdrawls will not start to subside until 2 -3 weeks. Day 1-till then i felt pretty much the same. When i got clean from opiates or heroin it seemed to not change until every 30 days like clock work no sooner and no later. It was physical withdrawl the first 30 days and just mental withdrawl for the next 6 months until i finally felt completely myself again. It took time to learn who i was again like what made me tick. What i liked to do, hygiene, how eating and sleeping affected me, what things affected me like allergies as when using that never bothered me. You will be suprised at how sensitive the body truely is to things like eating different foods and how much sleep you get. Your body is really malnurished from vitamins and things as drugs and medications can cause the body to not absorb them. Best way to get through it is buy vitamin supplements to boost the process. I used emergen-c, chelated magnesium( best absorbing), probiotics , tea like lemon ginger does wonders for gut health too. Also starting with a BRAT diet in the beginning may be beneficial to help eat while appetite is low in the beginning which is bananas,rice,apple sauce, and toast. The most important thing is to hydrate,hydrate and hydrate more we should be drinkin almost 2 liters a day. Hopefully that helps. Maybe you can find a suboxone strip to cut up and taper off quickly. That seemed to work the best for me. I still felt horrble and uncomfortable in my own skin with suboxone and fatigued to not want to do or eat anything. It may feel horrible but i can promise you it does go away and you will feel just as good and energetic as u do when u do use but naturally. Hopefully that can help you though. You can do it if your determined and truely want it. Anytime u feel a craving just stop and find something to do like listen to music,play a game on ur phone,come on here or go for a walk it will pass they are only temporary thoughts. Do that 100 times over the next few weeks u will have put in enough sober time to begin to start to physically better.

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Hey there. I’m new here. Just wanted to thank you for your post. Everything I’ve read anywhere gives a timeline of withdrawal that’s about a week. Give or take a couple of days. I’m on day 12 and still don’t feel great. The absolute worst is probably over but things still linger. I can’t sleep for longer than a couple hours at a time…AND THE SWEATING. It’s brutal!!! I’ll wake up drenched out of nowhere. It even happens when I’m awake. I’ll just be sitting on the couch. It’s crazy. Cannot seem to regulate my temperature. I wanted to ask, in your experience, how long until I get some energy back? I have ZERO. Even the smallest task seems daunting and exhausting. I have an 8 year old son so I’m really looking forward to getting off the couch! Oh and just to give you a little background I was using Percocet daily for the past 5 years. Thanks so much!

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After about 30 days no earlier you should feel about 98% better and most physical wd should be over. Then its a big mental game afterwards. The mental part took me a good 6 months til i felt normal. You will go through bouts of irritability out of no where,depression,anxiety,i also kind of felt out of touch with myself or lost of who i was and interest…Sleep you should get a good 4-5 hrs solid after the first month and gain another hr every 30 days. After the 3rd week you should start feeling the grip of the wd letting go and bareable but just wont sleep much. That week stuff is a buncha crap thats also what i always read too but thats all false and from people that have never been thru it. I felt like hell for 2 weeks after that i was actually able to work again. I was an iv heroin user but opiate wd is all the same no matter the form used.


Fent sticks in the fatty cells of our bodys. 24-72 for little use. Some people have it up to 2 weeks. Most drug test dont even look for fent for somereason. Drink abunch of water. Like alot and take some vitamin b to give your urine that yellow color. And dont pee into the cup do mid stream. Im 16 days clean from opiates inwas ip for 48 hours wiggling like a worm. I literally wanted to die. Then i literally never want to touch the shit again… stay way from those blues dude. They are evil asf. Gods speed

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Didnt realize this was old thread.


It can be a good reminder to have this up again. I saw my son go through withdrawals; it nearly killed me, from his use prior to then.
Stay strong, :hugs:

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