Back again 🔙

Welcome back. Maybe this will be the time it all comes together and sticks. Are you currently using?


Look man. This isn’t sustainable. Dying from alcohol isn’t pretty. You will end up in the ER first. Multiple organs failing. Quitting sucks at first, but you just have to get past those first few weeks. Then it starts feeling better. And then it’s starts feeling good. Pretty soon you are feeling great. You don’t HAVE to live this way. You have a choice.


No stopped drinking today

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Everytime I think I’m doing good. Mess up again. It’s just exhausting

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Hurrah, that’s a great first step!


Write down how you feel right now. All the bad symptoms and feelings you experience from your last bender. On the other side of that paper you write down why you want to quit.
Keep that piece of paper on a place so you can read it easily when you crave a drink to remind yourself why you want and need to choose differently.
I’m glad you are back here. You where here before so you are a bit familiair with how it works here on the forum. So chime in again, be here much, read all you can and try all you can. Be open minded. Read this thread for example: What's YOUR plan?? Highly reccomended!


Thanks I will try that.

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Have you seeked out any support apart from here to help you

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I keep remembering my last hangover, just how bad I felt, how tired of it all I was.
Hold on to those thoughts for dear life. It’s what has propelled me to 226 days so far.

Guaranteed that you will feel much much better after a while of non use. Much better than you ever dreamed you could.

Just need to get through that first bump of say a month or so, then it gets incrementally better and better till it all evens out where each and every day is just a good day. Just hold on to how bad you felt using and never forget!!

Best wishes cause it sounds like you need to shake the booze badly before something really terrible happens :heart:


Thank you. I always try to hold on to how bad I felt but for some reason it goes away with time. I’ve even wrote it down but when the moment comes I want to drink more then I felt worse :pensive::pensive:


Yeah, I understand… it’s hard. That feeling passes and we forget just how terrible it all was.

I and you, like many many others have battled the same thing. I’m unsure why the last one at start of year stood out moreso than others, but it did and does.

Perhaps I was just mentally ready. Or perhaps I was mentally exhausted from it all. All I know is this time that memory stuck, thankfully.

I wish you all the best and hope the tiredness of that lifestyle sticks. You sound like you really need to let go of that life.



I definitely do or I won’t be alive for long. Thank u :cupid:

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I’m glad you’re back here and trying. You CAN do this If you want to. What I’ve learned is that you have to want to stay sober. Make a plan and keep to it. Come here for support and find people who can support you where you’re at. And be honest with yourself and with others.


Angelica, we all understand you. What worked for me was the positive side, far beyond avoiding the negative sides. So try not drinking for one day, just try. How do you feel the next morning? Well! Good. So try one day more. How do you feel the next morning? Well. So try it again for one week. Just try, what would be one week in your life? Feel how you are after one week. At certain point you feel so well (and proud) theat you don’t want to go back and hurt you again. Hurting yourself doesn’t make much sense, celebrating and appreciating yourself does. So stick on the good results and the good feeling and good energy brought by your body without the alchol.


Thank u I’m gunna try my best

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The one day a thing is hard for me. IDK why time is so important because when I have only one day or a couple it isn’t good enough :confused::pensive:

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Welcome back Angelica!
Looking back at your profile I noticed you’ve been on this merry-go-round for 7 years. I was in the same boat for 10 years thinking I could do it on my own. There were times I had months even a year here and there under my belt but would always end up going back out. I finally had to surrender and ask for help. Have you considered rehab or an intensive outpatient program?


Wow 7 years and to think it started before I downloaded the app! I would love to go to a program but I can’t afford it or leave my children sadly I don’t have much help but I can still go to AA I was thinking of going tomorrow.


Keep going. We are all here for you. You’re trying. That’s the positive :+1::+1::+1:


If you decide to go to AA, make the most out of it. Going to meetings alone will not keep me sober. I had to find a sponsor and work the program. It’s not easy and takes a lot of hard work and time but it’s definitely worth it. I found time to drink so I certainly have to find the time to work on my recovery. Wishing you the best on your journey.

Here’s a platform I use on those days I can’t get to in person meetings.