Back and broken

I’ve quit before, and went back, and the same shit keeps happening everytime I go back, broke and wanting more… When will the cycle stop? How do I stop forever? I’m so broken its embarrassing, but I love this community, idk why I ever stopped talking to you guys, bring on the shaming for giving up a good thing and going back to the shitty life, but I need to stop it’s not even a want anymore…i will literally end up dead if I dont stop using oxycodone…


Different Aspects of Recovery

Look into a recovery program

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Hi @KeepGoing and welcome back! :wave:

I think your name says it all - you have to keep going and keep trying no matter what. There is no other option really. From what I’ve seen, not everyone, but most of us have dealt with relapse and try to learn from it and come back better prepared.

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Hi and we’ll me back! :blush: no need to shame here although I am sure you do it a lot to yourself… Well, not gonna get it from us :smiley: important thing is that you’re back and trying again. If you keep trying, it will eventually stick.

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I feel the same way. I know it’s a process to recover and I know I can’t do it alone. That’s why I’m here. I’ve already lost so much, my boyfriend, it was affecting my job and could get me fired. I had a great life to look forward to and I made the biggest mistake of my life. So now I’m here. I want to stay sober, I want to get better and prove that I can. The only way is forward, my friend.

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Thank you for the replies everyone, today I feel good, no back pain (the worst for me is that) I am sore from doing work and I feel like that is helping as well (possibly taking the pain focus off my back and to my legs where I am really sore lol) anyone feel free to private message me in would love some personal encouragement, and would love to give the same as well. This community is awesome!