Back at day 0.hating myself

I am back at day zero. Hating myself. Didn’t go to work for 2 days. Now I am having another interview at a job today. Hopefully I would get through this. I also broke up with my gf due to my alcoholism. I am hating my life so much now


If it was easy, it wouldn’t be a thing. Everyone here has had hundreds of day ones. You only need one to stick. It can be done. A year from now, your life could be everything you want it to be. Fight.


Do whatever you need to do to not drink today. Hang onto your sober date with both hands. Get the help that you need and is available.


Rob, have you tried a meeting? I know it’s not easy but you need to be with supportive, sober people right now.
Step out of your comfort zone and do everything you can to make it happen.
Are you fit enough for the interview?


Hey @Raininglove I think it would be important to assess your situation plainly: what have you tried so far to get sober apart from just not drinking? Cos just not drinking is not going to work.
And what are you going to try to add to what you do so far?

Here is what helped other ppl: Resources for our recovery

Good luck for your job interview today.

I’d stay away from making these kinda general feel good(?) claims. Everyone is different and we have many similarities. I did not have hundreds of day ones, I had one. I know many ppl on here who have had either or and everything in between. You’re normalising relapsing.


Fair comment. My bad.


Thanks for the help guys. I need to wake up properly this time. I also need help in quitting smoking


One addiction at a time was the good advice given to me. I leaned on smoking and coffee drinking to help me through alcohol sobriety. I stopped smoking about 3 years after I got sober. For that, I used outside help - medication and the 12 steps of AA.