Back on Track Surrey BC

My name is Robbie and as of today i have 16 Days clean and sober off Crystal Meth and Fentanyl . This will be my 3rd attempt at getting my shit together and they say 3rd time is a charm. i know i can succeed because the first attempt i went 10 years sober before falling into my old habits, the 2nd was about 9 months clean and now there is my final attempt cause i know im going to do big things this in the best recovery house ive ever been in “Back on Track” in Surrey BC.ive done eveything from Robbing Banks to prostitution to support my habit.
ive stolen from friends and family memebers and burned alot of bridges on the way.But im here now and i know that i can do it i mean shit i had 10 years at one point. im a little more driven this time around to focus on my recovery. if i dont make it this time ill be dead either from drugs or my own hand.


Welcome to the community @Rob_Enotsrevlis, the bad things that we have done have no bearing on us here. Reach out if you are in need of support as that is what we are here for.
I’m nearly 300 days clean of heroin though I had a bad slip on cocaine around forty days ago.
When you had your ten years of sobriety what were you doing for your recover, did you go to NA?;” :+1::grinning: