Back to day 1 again - I'll be okay

I relapsed a few weeks ago when me and my partner split up for a week. Now we’re back together and better than ever, I’m finding it difficult to get back on the wagon, so to speak. I know I’ll get there though - i managed 5 months sober before that, I can do it again and for longer :heart:


Your back and prepared to try again that’s the most important thing well done :+1:


Sorry to hear about your relapse. Back in the saddle now :innocent: How are you feeling now?


My favorite saying: if youre here and youre still fighting, youre not struggling with addiction; addiction is struggling with YOU. You got this. Glad youre back!


Glad you are here with new motivation :facepunch:
How are you doing today?


Ive struggled the past couple days and have relapsed multiple times. But I’m back to my 2nd day sober and waking up without a hangover is so refreshing. That’s a lot of the motivation I need to stay sober. I’ve got this :heart:


One day at a time :innocent: Rooting for you!

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You’re here day 2. Suggest you get a plan for those tough moments. Meeting, exercise or reach out here!

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Relapsed again… back on day 2. I know i need to get my shit together so here’s to trying again :heart:


What is your plan today to fight the craving to drink today? Keep it simple. Don’t pick up that 1st drink today. Do what it takes to make to your pillow tonight sober. Don’t worry about tomorrow or forever. Just today. You can do it! Congrats on day two!