Back to the first 24 hours..AGAIN! Ughh

Starting over is so discouraging. Any suggestions for staying on the path greatly appreciated!!


What do you do to help yourself to stay sober? You could come here daily and read more; 12 minutes read time since June isn’t much time. If you get to know people and talk, offer help, etc. it helps.


Idk just don’t drink, start doing different things. I was a go home and not move from the couch type of drinker. I didn’t clean, I didn’t do a damn thing expect drink from 230 till 10 at night, a 18 pack a night. Alot of times I’d get several grams of coke and geek out in my room, afraid to leave my room bc I thought I’d be hearing shit, or thought ppl were up downstairs. My life fucking sucked. So once I quit drinking, I didn’t know what I liked or what I should do. Ive never exercised in my life, so I started jogging, started hiking, started bike rides. Weight lifting. Idk anything to keep pushing to another day. Check out some a.a meetings. If you want something bad enough, you’ll make it happen


Thanks! It’s hard sometimes to read when you are embarrassed that the cycle keeps repeating. I will put the effort in and make a commitment to spend time and read here daily.

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no need to feel embarrassed, everyone here has been in that cycle, and were here now to try and be a supportive community to get and stay out of that cycle.


I can relate pretty heavily. I’m in day 5 now but i hear a familiar voice calling my name. Its an uphill battle and a person needs a good bit of self control and discipline. Good luck


I agree with Donna here. When I see how much time has been spent on here I then also question what other things are you not doing.
If you read around on here you will find a host of information that will help you figure out a sobriety plan. This plan should be stuck to.
Check out the threads
Resources for newcomers or tips for the newcomers.
Use the magnifying glass above.
The statistics show that the people on here with long term sobriety are the ones who have spent time on here amongst other things.
There’s also AA, SMART recovery and many more.
Be prepared to do anything.

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Sobriety is not easy at all but it’s worth it. You have to get a plan in place. There’s so many programs out there to help us. Have you tried any? If not, I suggest you check out this thread… Resources for our recovery


Make it a point to prioritize that…rearrange your plans etc if you have to in order to avoid temptation or less desireable situations. If you keep relapsing l, analyze them! What happened? where did you lose control? What led to it and what can keep you fr getting there again? Use them as learning experiences and create a toolbox. You CAN do this! Put it at the forefront of your mind and focus list and kick it’s ass.

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