Back to zero after 65 days

I feel like I let everyone down.

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You’ve not let us down buddy.
It could have been avoided, but take what you can from it.
What happened?
Can you learn from it?
Is there something more you can be doing?
Crack on!


Went back to my home town to visit family. Met some old “friends”. I need to dust myself off and keep going.


Ah! That old chestnut.
That’s an easy one to learn from isn’t it.
Stay away until you can say No confidently!
So, you’ve not lost much, don’t beat yourself up about it, it’s a learning curve.
Just make sure that you do learn from it.


I understand that, it’s old ahh memories with you’re friends sneeking in and it feels good. I’ve noticed through alot of my relapses it was bc of things like that too. Meeting with old friends, getting a new gf. Or new job, makes you feel good and think you can have a couple. And then the truth hits, but glad you’re back at it:)

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That’s the one.
Yay it’s been a good day, let’s have a drink. Or the
What a crap day, let’s have a drink. Or even the
Today’s got a y in it lets have a drink.
Old habits die hard, which is why the only way it’s going to work, I found, was to live my sobriety, 24/7. If I wasn’t going to feel confident that I could say no, I didn’t go or do anything.
Changing mindset as well.
I kept saying to myself that I don’t drink.
I actually had to say it out loud the other day.
Some one just handed me a bottle of beer and I just looked at it and said “no thanks mate.”
His reply was “do you not like it?”
To which I just replied " no mate, I don’t drink"
And that was that.


I’ve been there before - I was onto my fourth month and met old friends in my home town. Definitely learned from it now though! I’m sure you can see the warning signs next time and will feel better equipped to deal with it. Good that you’re back today though!


Absolutely and that’s one thing I’m learning through a.a

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old environment… old behaviour. teachings we get in being powerless. But you are back in the saddle again and can reflect and learn! strong to be here! hang in


I’ve failed when I knew I was going to be tempted, I prayed and promised but still it happened. Thankfully nothing happened to ruin my life and realize its going to take a more work and help next time.
20 years ago when I confined in my friends they supported me, maybe you can be the cool one who takes care of them and prevents someone getting hurt.
I feel for you a hundred times.

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You haven’t learn from your 2 months clean learn more from the blip and pick up dust off and on you go my friend


Learn from failure and be stronger and smarter next time :muscle: you got this!

I would just like to say that there is no such thing as " failure".
If something doesn’t work out for us it’s more of a learning experience. One that, as you correctly said, we should learn from.
Failure is such a negative word for something that should be treated as something positive to learn from.
It often just means that one is not using the right methods or tools.
Once we learn from the mistake we can move on.

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totally agree Geoff, had this conversation at an AA meeting, some bloke was on about failing yet he was still sat in a meeting :joy: :joy:, obviously he got the lecture.

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Yea my english vocabulary isnt too big. Didn’t meant to use too strong word :sweat_smile: sorry for that and thx for clarification :+1:

Ah yes I see.
Your English is not that good.
Are you using a translator? On the whole it’s very good you know?

Usually I’m using my knowledge from school and online gaming expierence (mostly this one :joy:) Sometimes I’m too lazy to check synonyms or better word. Gonna be more carefull next time :sweat_smile:

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