Basket of alcohol

Won a basket of booze at a shower today not so sober me would have probably drank most of it before I even left the shower…
Instead I gave it away

25days for me now


Great job!

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Good job was it hard to give it away or easy?

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Wow, that’s awesome! You should be proud :grin:

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Only thing hard about deciding was to give it away or raffle it because I’m moving in a month and need all the money I can get but I didnt want to risk having it at home


Nice work!

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Good Job yeah you don’t need at home lol


Good job !!

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Should’ve kept the basket lol

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Those are the kind of victories that really strengthen sobriety, well done!


Super proud of your strength. I was given something similar at a Xmas party and oh boy was I so very happy!!! I pray I’m able to be as strong as you if ever in a similar position.

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Great decision not to keep it. Stay strong!

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Good job!!

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Good for you! :partying_face:

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Good job Sarah! You made a good decision. Be proud of yourself.

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Right on, good for you!!!:grin::+1:t4:

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Well done!!

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Well done!

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You probably didn’t even have to think about it.
Well done.

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