Battling addiction with Porn and Mastrubation #Day 3

I have been so addicted to Porn and Mastrubation that not even a single day passed by, without me jerking off. And I have always felt guilty after that but i couldn’t stop it and three days back I decided enough is enough. I should stop it or my mind and body will become so corrupt. I am struggling to get out of it. Sometimes feel like let’s do this once. But I try to remember why i though i should stop and it keeps me pushing. I know this app most ppl use for alcoholism and this is my story of battling an addiction.


Welcome Raja. There’s a good number of people battling porn here too; search “porn”, “PMO”, “masturbation”, and similar terms and you’ll find many posts.

It is possible to cut porn out of your life. Just like any other addiction, you take it one day at a time.

I made a post the other day with some tips:

Welcome to Talking Sober! :wave:t2: