Battling alcoholism , relapse remorse

Welcome back, happy for you that you are back on the sober train. At least this time around you have a bit of confidence knowing you have tread this path before with some great success, 500+ days is a huge accomplishment and so you know you got this!. Good for you , keep on keeping on :+1::+1::heart:

I’m so awful on the internet (age thing!!) Have had my worst day so far(day 6)…
nearly caved in but feeling a little better now
Have been drinking so much diet coke .
Am hoping tomorrow will be a better day,!


No worries at all .glad you are here with us … sorry for the rough day. Take it ODAAT …they don’t last and each day won is a day you are stronger :muscle:t4:

Great work on 6 days!!

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Great decision, you will be successful :seedling:
One day at a time